Yarning Conference

Year 5 Yarning Conference
On Tuesday 25 October, 17 Year 5 students went to the Darebin Yarning Conference at Bundoora Park. A lot of you might be thinking that the word ‘Yarning’ means knitting wool, but really it has nothing to do with it. Yarning means to talk and tell a story.
At the conference we listened to a lot of important speakers, experienced a smoking ceremony, and played a lot of traditional games, one of them being Weet Weet. Weet Weet was super fun. We used a ball made out of possum skin. We learnt that Aboriginal people would play for hours and hours. We also went on a ‘Little Long Walk’ and held up our poems or signs that we made in class about the NAIDOC Week theme, ‘Stand Up, Get Up, Show Up’.
We also learnt that the word Wurundjeri, which is the name of the Aboriginal Kulin Nation people in our school’s area is actually pronounced as two words - “Wurun / djeri” (Wuhruhn – juhree).
~ Written by Stasys and Sylvie, 5B