Year 3/4–Celebrating Learning

3/4 Mainstream

During our Integrated sessions, the 3/4‘s have been learning how First Nations people use their knowledge of science to create useful tools from naturally made materials. We have been investigating how particular materials can be used to create tools, clothing and shelter. They have also been researching how First Nations people use their understanding of the local climate, seasons and the plants and animals of each area to choose the right materials for food, medicines, tools, shelter and clothing. The 3/4‘s have created websites from the knowledge they have discovered during their investigations. Some of those examples can be found below. 


3 Steiner

As a rich experience during our studies in local surroundings, 3S were guided by Danielle Thomas from school, through the streets of Preston and towards Merri Creek. It was a very warm morning and the pollen was dancing through the air falling into nostrils and eyes alike. Cheeky things! A-a-achoo!! The participants observed plants and wildlife and listened to our guide share her wealth of knowledge about the flora and fauna. Pobblebonk frogs were visited and they greeted the group happily. The occasion was rewarding and the children wrote wonderful recounts based on their sensory experiences. Many thanks to Danielle Thomas for your wealth of knowledge and time.