Robotics Display

Year 7 Term 4 2022

Students will have the opportunity to explore through research and practical activities using simple code to control a robot. Students will build a lego robot, write code and troubleshoot to solve the design brief of their robot following a black line.


At the completion of this unit, Students will have developed an understanding of robotics and their role in society. They will learn about the benefits of robots in assisting humans, as well as the ethical implications of robots in our daily lives.

Throughout Term 4 our Year 7 students have worked with great diligence to produce a most varied array of Robots. These include trucks, bikes,  performing stages, dancing figures, mechanical diggers and the addition of many attachments to their designs.

Coding of motion has been the highlight of this project. Robots have performed many steps of motion, including movement in all directions, repeated sequences, dancing figures, lighting and incline climbing (60 degrees). Robots have also been tested on all terrain with some adjustments, they have proven capable of the task.


Notably, students have been well focused, producing a distinctive robot that represents their imagination!


Well done Year 7!


Ian Hegvold | TAS