
Looking for Employment?

If you are hoping to leave school for Full Time Employment please complete this form  HERE. I am contacted by employers at this time of year looking for Apprentices etc.


You should also make sure you have joined the Kildare Catholic College Positions Vacant Facebook Group HERE. It is open to both students and parents. Make sure you answer the membership question, otherwise your request will not be approved.

I also advertise Part Time/Casual jobs in this group.

Tertiary Toolbox Video Series

The latest video in the Tertiary Toolbox series is ‘Do I need a Tertiary Education?


I strongly suggest all students and parents watch these videos to give them a base understanding of Tertiary Education.


Parents of HSC2023 students

At the start of each HSC year, I create 2 new Google Classrooms. It is imperative that all HSC23 students join one or both of the following Classrooms.

  • All Things Employment HSC 2023
  • All Things Tertiary HSC 2023

Can I please ask for your support with this. This is my main form of communication with this year group.


Parents are invited to join as well. If you would like to join either of these Classrooms, please email with HSC23 and the name of your son/daughter and the Classroom that you would like access to. I will then send you an invite.




Karen Murray | Careers Adviser

Kildare Catholic College


02 6932 6124 (Direct Line)

0428 861732


To book an appointment, clickhere