Resource Centre

I wish to thank those parents and students who have been proactive in returning overdue books to the Resource Centre and I would ask all parents to check in with their students to ensure that books are returned in a timely manner, this includes textbooks as well as library books.


More new books are on display in the Resource Centre for students to borrow which include graphic novels, war novels, multicultural novels and junior and senior non-fiction.

The Resource Centre has also hosted a display of Night Lights designed and produced by Year 8 Technology Classes. We thank these students and Mr Hegvold for giving the Resource Centre the opportunity to showcase their work and congratulate them on the wonderful display.


“Books break the shackles of time-proof that humans can work magic” Carl Sagan (astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator).


Dr Sandra Cox-Townend  | Teacher Librarian