Night Light Year 8

Term 4 Display

The Lamp unit focuses on the application Adobe illustrator skills and introductory woodworking techniques in the design and production of a quality timber lamp.


Students develop knowledge and understanding of the characteristics and properties of a range of materials through research, experimentation and practical investigation. They will draw inspiration from the investigation of innovative lamp designs.


Lighting or illumination is the deliberate use of light to achieve a practical or aesthetic effect. Lighting includes the use of both artificial light sources like lamps and light fixtures, as well as natural illumination by capturing daylight. Daylighting (using windows, skylights, or light shelves) is sometimes used as the main source of light during daytime in buildings.


Throughout Term 3 and Term 4 our classes have been working and designing our Night Lights.  Skills, interests and knowledge of students have been a feature, reflected in their final designs. Mastering Adobe illustrator software is an essential educational requirement in this project and has   indeed , been a challenge.


Congratulations Year 8, another project competently completed and one in which each student should be most proud of.


Ian Hegvold | Tas Faculty Teacher