Principal Message

Year 12 Formal

Congratulations to Year 12 who completed their Graduation with our Formal and Major Prize Giving last Friday night. We are most grateful to our special guests on the night:

  • Dr Andrew Watson, Director of Schools Catholic Education Diocese of Wagga Wagga.
  • Fr. Paddy Sykes, our College Chaplain and for the moment Parish Priest of OLOF South Wagga
  • Mr Michael McCormack MP & Catherine McCormack
  • Dr Joe McGirr MLA
  • Councillor Dan Hayes on behalf of Mr Dallas Tout Mayor of Wagga Wagga 
  • Dr Penny Ludecke Secondary Performance Leader and Leader of Teaching and Learning CEDWW
  • Mr John Bussenschutt Leader of Mount Erin Boarding and his wife Robin
  • Mr Mark Gray, Chairperson Kildare College Council.

The Kildare Hall was transformed wonderfully by Mrs Narelle Potts, Mr Jeff Guymer and their team. It was a very impressive night and we look forward to being able to continue having it Kildare at this time of year, straight after the HSC or as soon thereafter.


On the evening a number of major awards were given. These are as follows:

The Fiona Buchanan Award to a student with a positive attitude, courage and determination, who undertakes and completes the HSC.

Awardee: Gracie Goodyer


The Nicholas Sampson Award in memory of Nicholas Sampson and donated by the Sampson family to a student for Outstanding Academic Improvement in Year 12. Ranks at the end of Year 11 have been compared to Ranks at the end of Year 12 to determine this award. 

Awardee:  Harry Ward


The Mark Gooden Award in honour of Mark Gooden who was a teacher at Trinity Senior High School for eight years. He was an advocate for justice and the welfare of the marginalised. He showed deep respect and empathy for the Indigenous people of Australia. He was actively involved in all aspects of Catholic school life. This award goes to a student who demonstrates similar attributes and excels in the Study of Human Society and its Environment.

Awardee: Alex Newman


The Anne and Pat Brassil Award is given to two people who have been highly involved to an outstanding level in a wide range of the performing arts at the College during their Stage 6 studies.

Awardees: Zoe Crawford and Oskar Byrne


The Notre Dame Science Award from the Rural Clinical School - Wagga Wagga, of The University of Notre Dame Australia,  School of Medicine, Sydney, sponsor a prize which is awarded for Academic Excellence in a Yr 12 Science subject. The Rural Clinical School is committed to the training of future medical practitioners for regional and rural Australia. This offer of support is to continue the University’s commitment to the local community of Wagga Wagga. 

Awardee:  Tom Foley


The Senior Sports Person Award is awarded to a senior student who has represented the school on numerous occasions in a variety of sports.

Awardee:  Max Prest


Excellence in Sport Award

This student has represented the school in numerous sports over their time at Kildare and have reached the highest steps available in pathways. 

Awardee: Bronte Stewart


Australian Defence Force Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Awards were first presented in 2006, to encourage the development of behaviours and attributes considered critical in Australia’s leaders of tomorrow. The award recognises students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the College and the

broader community, and who display strong values, such as doing one’s best and showing respect for others.

Awardee: Alicia Donohue


Australian Defence Force Future Innovators Award program acknowledges a student who demonstrates innovation in the learning area of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). 

Awardee:  Manni Jip


Nano Nagle Community Service Award

Nano Nagle was the founder of the Presentation Sisters. This award is presented to a student who has followed in the footsteps of Nano Nagle in a selfless community service in a quiet manner. This award goes to students who are always there to lend a hand and ensure their involvement gets the job done.

Awardees:  Siobhan Flanagan and Zoe Crawford


Sr. Alexis Horsley Award for the Best Overall Performance in the Trial HSC.

This award is to acknowledge the student who performed most successfully across all subject areas in the trial HSC exams.

Awardee: Ava Mallise


Kildare Catholic College All Rounder Award recognises student excellence and consistency in areas such as Academic Performance, Leadership, Service, Sport and the Arts. It is a particularly significant achievement in a cohort of 126. 

Awardees:  Joseph Cole & Eloise Murphy


Our Dux Award will be awarded once we see how students have achieved in the Higher School Certificate and ATAR calculations. This will be awarded at our High Achievers Assembly in Term One 2023. 

Mobile Phone Policy

Thank you for your support with our mobile phone policy changes. The change in student behaviour, in the main, has been very positive. Further, staff report a higher level of student engagement in classes without unnecessary distractions caused by their phone. We will review this towards the end of term to make any minor changes necessary. 


In regard to our new uniform and Uniform Policy for 2023 onwards, please have a read of it through the attached link:

Uniform Policy 2023 HERE

You will note the transition process is outlined along with the days when sport uniform can be worn. If you have any questions members of the College Leadership Team can assist. 


The Uniform shop in Kildare Street will be operational as of Monday, 28th November. All details, including on line options, price list etc. are in the attached document. 


I’d like to acknowledge the great work of Ms. Andrea Blair our Business Manager, Office Manager and Principal’s PA, Mrs. Jo. Noble, Mr Jeff Guymer and the maintenance team for bringing the uniform range and shop to fruition. Its been a complex project which we are really pleased is now a reality.


I’d also like to thank all the College Leadership Team, staff, students, parents, in particular College Council, who have been involved in consultation processes at all stages along the way over the past two years. We are proud of the outcome and we look forward to the students wearing their uniform with pride in 2023. 



At this point of the year we have a number of changes to staffing for 2023, which we’ll outline as they are all completed at the end of the year. We have some departures, some changing roles, some going on leave, some returning . It's a complex picture which has been absorbing plenty of energy for the past couple of months to ensure we are ready for 2023. As always I am heartened by the quality and dedication of the Kildare staff who serve our community so well. 


Twelfth Night

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Twelfth Night who provided such absorbing entertainment and humour these past couple of weeks, across a number of performances. The students were terrific and all are to be commended in particular the director, Mr Michael Mack, for the energy and skill in support of our students. Well done.


Fee Letters for both Kildare and Mount Erin Boarding are going out this week. These also include the sibling discounts as per CEDWW  policy. As required by the government and CEDWW, due to funding requirements, fees are to be paid in full within 30 days or you have entered into a payment arrangement to have paid the fees periodically through the year clearing the account by the end of Term 4, December 2023. 


Further if assistance is required due to demonstrated need, we can assist if we receive a completed fee relief application which can be sought through the finance office at Kildare. All applications are assessed fairly and justly, based on capacity to pay. We can only assist within the scope of what I have described. 


Leave I will be away from 18/11 to 1/12 for some leave delayed for a number of reasons over the past twelve months. The very capable and experienced Mrs Christie Scutti will be Acting Principal in my place, and Ms. Christine Savage will be Acting Assistant Principal in support. 


God Bless...