Principal Introduction
Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Currently the college is a buzz with the completion of the 2022 curriculum program. Year 12 exams will be coming to an end next week, during the exam period our students have shown a strong dedication to their performance and preparation. Our exams have all run extremely smoothly led by Mrs Rachel Baleisis and the senior team and we now look forward to results for our students in December. We have a number of very dedicated staff marking the external VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority) exams - this is an enormous time commitment but does ensure that we have the opportunity to be part of the VCAA process and can provide students with a thorough understanding of how to best complete the written exams.
Our Yr 11 and Yr10 students are also completing a 2 week exam period, staff have been impressed with student behavior and their attitude to completing their best. Practice exams provide students with an understanding of how to manage the time provided to complete a paper, how to learn techniques and strategies to manage emotions during assessment and the mental fitness required to complete exams to a high standard. Staff are busy completing semester reports for students and these will be provided to families at the beginning of December.
All students should now have their timetable and resources ready for Step-Up that begins on Monday. Many students will thrive in step-up and enjoy their new subjects and teachers. For students beginning Year 11 they will have narrowed down a large range of subject offerings from Yr 7-10 to a selected 5 subjects, whilst our Year 10 students will also have narrowed down their selections to be more in line with their curriculum interests. If you find that your student is struggling with any aspect of Step-Up then please contact their home group teacher as the first point of call and they will support you through a process to find a solution that alleviates the problem. Our teachers are looking forward to meeting their new classes and providing a new range of curriculum opportunities for all students.
The college has a wide variety of events occurring over the next few weeks, from awards ceremonies to outdoor education camps, dance and music concerts. I encourage parents and carers where the opportunity exists to participate in an event that you attend and celebrate the learning, success and achievements of your student. In their eyes, your recognition of them far outweighs any other recognition they will receive.
Jodie Ashby
Assistant Principal