Organizing Committee

By Brenna Juull

The Organizing team is working on a few things at the moment. We are sharing information about how you can support our Special Education brothers and sisters. SPED is currently fighting for issues regarding staffing and IA support, student placement, professional development, and curriculum. We need you to attend the next Board Meeting, sign the petition our president has been sharing in her weekly emails, and email the Board. Our intention is to have Special Education on the Board Meeting agenda each month.  We want to keep up the momentum and we need your support!


Once again, we are trying to build our Bargaining Action Team (BAT). This is an extension of the Organizing team and the intention is to have one member per site who can be contacted by the Organizing team when we have action items. You will not need to attend another meeting! You just need to be a leader at your site who will communicate with members when we have important actions.  If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please email


-Brenna Juull, Organizing Chair