Sporting News 

Mrs Bartholomew

Armidale Diocesan Gala Day - has been cancelled due to flooding with many schools being unable to attend. 

Week 2-6 Sport

Last week marked our last basketball session. The students have had the opportunity to develop their throwing, catching and bouncing skills through the game of basketball and we thank Ricky for making the experience both fun and engaging for our students. Sport for week 2 through to week 6 will be school based and in class groups. 

Term 4 Swimming - Weeks 7-10

Once again this year students are lucky to be heading to the Quirindi Pool for whole school swimming for 4 weeks, starting in week 7 and running through to week 10. Teachers will conduct a water confidence and skills checklist during our first swimming session, which will determine student groups. Parents will also have the opportunity to indicate their child's ability/confidence level on the permission form, which will soon be made available on Compass. 


The focus of these sessions for our infants students is water confidence. Students will develop skills in propelling through the water in a streamlined position, using arm action and continuous kicking. For our primary students and more confident swimmers our sessions will give students opportunities to perform a range of swimming and water rescue skills, eg freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, entry and exit in deep water, deep dive and rope rescue.


ADPSC Facebook Page 

All information about Diocesan sports events is well communicated on the Armidale Diocesan Primary Sports Council Facebook Page. This includes postponements and event photos. Please ensure you take the time to like this page, so you have access to the most up to date information on Diocesan sports events.