General News 

Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch



We would like to send a huge shout out to Sam Stockwell and Jamie Wright for all their hard work in filling our veggie garden beds on Monday.  We would also like to thank Nick and Laura Marheine for their donation of all the soil used to fill the beds as well as for delivering it to our school.  Thank you so much for helping us complete this stage of our new garden area, allowing all students the opportunity to grow some lovely edible plants and learn new skills whilst having a whole lot of fun. 

We have had some lovely offers of help from parents and members of the community to work with our students in planning and maintaining this beautiful new area and we look forward to reaping the rewards through the canteen. Thank you also to the PT&F for the $750 donation towards the costs incurred so far. 

Kindy students enjoyed watching Lyncin's dad working on the excavator.
Kindy students enjoyed watching Lyncin's dad working on the excavator.


On Monday, in consultation with the Catholic Schools Office, we begin our Techone Transition Week. This will be our new finance portal that runs alongside Compass.  We are excited to transition into this new program to streamline our school administration and finance services.   We will keep you updated with all changes as they are delivered to our school as our scheduled 'Go Live' date is the 14th of November. 





Along with Fletcher Davies and the IT team from The Catholic Schools Office in Armidale, we have a team of men working hard at school to install our new Intercom and camera security system.  


This work should be finished early next week and we are looking forward to an efficient and convenient way to access school for everyone. 


We would like to thank the Catholic Schools Office for agreeing to fund this project for our school. 


Term 4 accounts are due to be finalised by Thursday, 08 December, 2022.  Payment options remain unchanged and include via the Qkr App; EFT through bank (please use account number, under date on your statement & surname as reference); CentrePay and ADIG Direct Debit.  We will have an update on school fees after we change over to the new system Tech One.   


STAR Words

Congratulations to the following students who received their 'Rising Star' award at assembly last Friday. These students have mastered the first 50 STAR Words in our STARS Word Reading Program. Well done Lachie, Kden, Indi and Priscilla! 

MiniLit award

Congratulations to Reuben who has completed the MiniLit program under the guidance of Mrs Gamble. 


The challenge is back for term 4! Keeping with the theme of 'the race that stops the nation', this week's challenge is to locate several racehorses hidden around the school grounds. Winners will be announced during Friday's assembly. 

10c Bottle, Can and Juice Box Donation Drive

Keep those donations coming. Don't forget, Sports Day = Donation Day! 


It is a legal requirement that you log in to Compass to explain all absences within 7 days of your child being away from school, however it is so much easier if you attend to this on the day as soon as you receive the reminder.  

You will not be able to complete this task after the 7 days has passed which means they will be recorded as Absent Unexplained.  

If you are having a trouble accessing all of the Compass features,  there should be a drop down menu on your home page which looks like 3 horizontal lines.  Open this menu and choose 'open in browser'. This will help you access the school portal features.