Principal's Message

Welcome to a new year of learning and development for our students. I hope everyone had an enjoyable and refreshing Christmas.


Today was a day of much excitement and nervous anticipation as our 73 Kindergarten students joined us for their first day of school. We also welcome 22 new students in Year 1-6 this year.

The 2023 Ben Venue team

I am excited to welcome a number of new staff for 2023. Those indicated in bold text below have joined Ben Venue as new staff this year.



KR - Sonya Rogers (AP)

KF - Kate Frizell

KG - Heidi Gray

KE - Eliza Drozdowski


Stage 1

S1F - Nicole Frost (AP)

S1L - Chantelle Lawrence

S1C - Claudia Campbell

S1M - Kathy McMillan

S1B - Rebecca Bourke

S1S - Shelli Morse


Stage 2

S2S - Amanda Swain (AP)

S2C - Elliot Chapman & Anna-Marie Paul

S2F - Sarah Farmer

S2L - Ben Laurie

S2B - Lyn Burgess

S2C - Lauren Corby

S2Y - Sue Lye


Stage 2

S3W - Karen Watson

S3J - Jennine Wilson

S3P - Anne-Maree Pattison

S3H - Rebecca Hunt

S3C - Richard Cotter


Learning support, specialist and cross-stage teachers

AP, Curriculum & Instruction - Elizabeth Wassman

K-2 Learning Support - Fiona Clayton

3-6 Learning Support - Sarah Pryce

EAL/D teacher - Kellie Divall

Library & Digital Classroom Officer- Jeanenne Gale

Library - Amanda Stacey

Technology - Rebecca O'Hara

Music - Michelle Porter

Physical Education - Mebby Walker

Additional release - Mia Moloney

Early years support - Ruth Nussbaumer


Administration and support staff

SLSOs, Aboriginal students - Renee Russell & Shuaib Rhodes

SLSOs - Tania Sciffer, Star Bishop, Taylor Shing-Kelly, Sacha Jarman, Stephanie Armatage, Sally Macdougall

Administrative Managers - Ami Robinson & Stephanie Murdock

Administrative Officers - Melissa Walsh & Annie Waters

General Assistants - Joseph Russell & Jamie Bryant


Senior executive

Principal - Cam Pryce

Deputy Principal - Lana Howlett


Further introductions to the stage teams will be provided in our next newsletter.

Upcoming events

Please check the calendar section of this newsletter for important dates this term. In particular, please be aware of the swimming carnival this Thursday and parent-student-teacher interviews from 20 February to 3 March. Notes for the swimming carnival have been distributed to students able to attend, and information regarding interviews will be provided soon.

Aboriginal design student shirt

After a long wait, most sizes (8 to 14 and Adult XS) of our new Aboriginal design student shirts have arrived and are now available for purchase from the office. Larger sizes are yet to arrive. To promote uptake of our new shirt in this first term of their availability, the cost to families has been subsidised, reducing to $18. To recognise and promote Aboriginal culture within our school, while maintaining the consistent presentation Ben Venue is known for, students are invited to wear these shirts on Fridays and on dates of significance.


Cam Pryce
