Our New Therapy Dog

Introducing Bali!

Bali has joined the Wellbeing Team this term after he and Dilek Yucel, Head of Wellbeing Services, have become Level Two-Certified as a Visiting Therapy Dog and Handler Team. They completed an intensive 6-day training at Lead the Way Institute. The training included a meet and greet with children and a visit to an aged care facility. This means that Bali has been assessed as responsive on lead and enjoys being around people.


Therapy dogs have been shown to reduce the stress chemical cortisol in the brain and trigger the release of oxytocin, which plays a positive role in social bonding. Therapy dogs in schools have been also known to help students feel more emotionally safe in counselling settings.


Bali is a 24 month old Moodle (Maltese x Miniature Poodle), has a loving temperament and enjoys playing fetch with toys. Bali’s coat is non-shedding and hypoallergenic.


If your child has a fear of dogs or an allergy to dog hair, can you please email us to inform the school of any concerns you may have with your child’s exposure to a dog. dilek.yucel@education.vic.gov.au.

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