Meet a Teacher

Mr Troy Edwards

Head of English

Life before Girton

  • Graduated from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) with a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) in 2012
  • Currently studying Masters in Educational Leadership at the Australian Catholic University (ACU)
  • Have taught at:
    • Harristown State High School (Toowoomba, QLD)
    • Rockhampton State High School (Rockhampton, QLD)
    • Rockhampton Girls Grammar School (Rockhampton, QLD)
    • St Ursula’s College (Toowoomba, QLD) – Head of English

Teaching and leading departments in various public and independent schools in the Darling Downs and Central Queensland, I have refined my skills in curriculum and pedagogical practices, especially in the realm of writing capacity for students, and am excited to bring this passion to Girton Grammar School.

What I Love about Teaching

There are many special moments that teaching affords to those in the education profession. To see the moment when particular elements just ‘click’ with students would have to be one of the best parts of the job. To witness students making connections between ideas, which sometimes are quite complex, and to develop their own interpretations or perspectives about texts and real-world ideologies is something that teachers never forget. Knowing that you are gifting students with capacity and capability that they will take with them beyond their schooling careers is embracing.

Girton Grammar School resonates with my own philosophy of leading and educating as it focusses on developing students as a ‘whole’ person. Being immersed in a school community which aligns with this philosophy, and while delivering results comparable to urban schools resonates with my own ideologies.

What do you like best about the subject/s you teach? (Senior School Teachers only)

English and Literature are subjects that not only explore complex and real-world concepts and themes, but these are also subjects which will put you in good stead for life beyond school. The classroom experiences, which allow for students’ own exploration of thoughts and perspectives are rich in debate, justification and exploration of ideas some have never thought of. Furthermore, the ability to express ideas and opinions in a sophisticated yet concise way is one such ability English affords students.

My favourite classroom activity

Students in my classes most enjoy the in-depth discussions we have which assist in exploring concepts and author-techniques in great detail. The classroom conversations that take place can sometimes be impromptu which may be the most valuable learning experiences any students can have. Moreover, students do find value in the lessons where we go ‘back to basics’ and re-visit the specifics around writing. From learning sentence structures and how to effectively respond to questions, students feel as though they are developing their capabilities.

What difference can good teaching make?

A successful student is one who is organised, ready for study and has read the text that we are studying in class. Being prepared is the foundation for building on ideas and in preparation for developing own interpretations and perspectives. Good teaching also aligns with this ideology as this allows for rich discussion and debate to take place, along with understanding the dynamics of the students in the class. Being an effective practitioner acknowledges the capability of each individual student and develops learning experiences to both target and enhance students’ capacity. In my classes, I hope students find value in the way I teach, developing writing skills and critical reading abilities.

Other Hats

Throughout my teaching career, I have been involved in a plethora of co-curricular activities which can aid in the development of a number of other capabilities for students. From debating to public speaking to community quizzes, these are activities I am passionate about.

Outside of school, my passions are in commercial aviation and CrossFit. I do try and get to the gym each morning, just so I am mentally prepared for day ahead, as well as feel physically fit.