Spotlight on our Learners - Grade 3B

This week Grade 3B had a fun and interactive visit from Christie and Lauren, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden. We learnt all about the importance of micro-greens. Plus, we got the opportunity to make a healthy snack and add some delicious greens to our Sushi Sandwich!!  We are so grateful for this experience and we are now growing our very own micro-greens in the classroom. We love watching the seeds sprout!


What are Microgreens?

They are a miniature version of the plants we grow in our gardens. Microgreens although often costly to buy, can be quick and easy to grow indoors on a windowsill or kitchen table. Common varieties include lettuce, peas, radish, cabbage, broccoli, and spinach.


The energy microgreens need to germinate and grow comes from the seed.  Most seeds like to germinate in the dark and only need light once the green sprouts start to show.  The seeds need to be kept moist, so a warm, humid indoor environment is ideal.


Microgreens generally have a milder taste than fully mature plants of the same variety.  They are nutrient rich, colourful, crunchy and delicious when freshly harvested and used in wraps, sandwiches, salads or as a garnish. 



We would like to regenerate the Kismet Park Veggie Patch in 2023. 


If you would like to volunteer please get contact with Felicity Dobson via email

