Student of The Week Awards

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!


Student Name

Quality Displayed


FEMaggie BlewettCreativityWell done to Maggie in Foundation E for displaying outstanding creativity. Maggie always puts in a lot of effort in her work, ensuring it looks colourful and presentable. Well done, Maggie!
FEAnna BrantnerKindnessWell done to Anna who always demonstrates outstanding Kindness in Foundation E. She always uses excellent manners and enjoys assisting others in the classroom with respect and enthusiasm. Well done, Anna!
FKNina JenshelKindnessNina has shown kindness to her classmates this week. She is always making sure they feel included and happy. It’s been wonderful seeing Nina be such a great, caring friend. Well done, Nina!
FLHarry Williams Teamwork 

Harry has been a superstar to have in Foundation L this year. He is a wonderful friend to all his peers, especially during Developmental Play. Harry is often building fantastic creations with the Duplo and works collaboratively with his friends when building houses and tracks for their toy cars. Great work Harry!

FLEmily NiuKindness

Emily is a wonderful member of Foundation L and a fantastic friend to all her peers. Emily always looks out for others, helps her teachers and friends without being asked and is constantly making everyone laugh.  We have been very lucky to have you in FL this year Emily! Great work!

1HWill CurtainTeamwork

Will has been displaying wonderful teamwork skills this term when working with others. He uses encouraging words, listens to his peers’ ideas and ensures that he plays fairly. It has been fantastic to see Will getting along with others and having a positive impact on the class. Keep up the great work!

1HMia ThomasKindnessMia has been a considerate and thoughtful member of 1H this year! She gets along with everyone and works hard to ensure all her classmates feel included. Mia your kindness has made our class a happier place to be. We have been so lucky to have you in 1H this year Mia!
1MJames BlainLove of LearningJames demonstrates a passion for learning and will regularly extend himself by taking on extra challenges. He takes great pride in his presentation always taking his time and using his neatest handwriting. It is so wonderful to see James always trying his best and so proud of each task he completes, keep up the excellent work!
1MHugo McVeyLeadershipHugo shows great leadership within the classroom. He is always willing to help others around him without being prompted. Hugo is always keen to take on extra roles of responsibility and complete tasks to help the whole class. He is an organised classmate who we can all rely on. Thank you for your support and leadership in 1M Hugo!
2BHarveyA Love of LearningHarvey has shown a love of learning this week! He did a great job tackling some challenging Fraction problems. Harvey continues to challenge himself when completing Maths tasks.  Wonderful effort Harvey!
2PMila Zuban-SmithA love of learningMila did a wonderful job making a presentation on her favourite place in Canada. She spoke with confidence and enjoyed answering the questions asked of her. Keep up the great work!
2SIvy BullKindness

Ivy has shown kindness to her classmates this week. She likes to make sure her friends feel included and happy by giving them compliments. Ivy wrote a very kind letter recently that made her classmate smile! It’s been wonderful seeing Ivy be such a great, caring friend. Well done, Ivy!

2SWilliam MitropoulosA Love of Learning

Well done to William in 2S, who has displayed a love of learning. He is doing an excellent job in his reading and is displaying positive classroom behaviour through participating in class discussions. William has worked hard this year and has progressed six levels in our Little Learners program. Keep up the amazing work William!

3BIssac DonovanLove of LearningIssac has been working hard during our writing sessions to write sentences using the author’s style. He wrote descriptive sentences using similes and connectives such as “sprang off the branch like an elegant ballerina and drifted back to the forest” Great effort Issac!
3CHunter Jackson-BourkeLove of Learning Hunter is to be congratulated for displaying a love of learning this week! He demonstrated excellent hard-working qualities as he completed his News Report and presented in front of the 3C classroom for the very first time. Well done, Hunter. We’re extremely proud of you!
3DToby MarucaPerseverance 

Toby worked diligently to create an information report about football. He included interesting information to engage his reader and created a labelled diagram. It was wonderful to see his enthusiasm as he talked about the many facts he knew about the game.

Well done on this wonderful work Toby! 

4ZDiyanka NairLove of Learning

Diyanka wrote a very creative poem about forgetting her homework. 

She wrote a humorous ballad about a dog eating her homework. Diyanka was able to follow the abcb rhyming pattern. Keep up the brilliant work 

4ZZoe CatlinLove of Learning

Zoe was an absolute stand out in our maths session last week. She was able to use geoshape squares to make 3D shapes. Zoe worked with a partner to investigate all the different ways to make a cube net. A sensational effort!

4ZKirra KatzLove of Learning

Kirra has been an active participant during our novel study of Wonder. It has been wonderful to see her hand shooting up to join in our class discussions. She has been able to use evidence from the text to support her responses. AMAZING effort 

4ZHarrison YoungPerserveranceHarrison was outstanding at the basketball clinic last week. He committed to every hoop he shot and was a great asset to his team during the relay races. It was wonderful to see him joining in and having a fun time! Keep shooting for those stars
5DRaph RibeiroPerserverance

It has been great to see Raph demonstrate organisation and perseverance this week. In the midst of our swimming program he has had to complete a number of catch up assessments while still keep on top of his regular classwork. He has taken it all his stride and been successful in each task he has undertaken.

5DEllie McDonaldLove of Learning

Throughout the entire year, Ellie has shown great dedication to ensure her work is presented to the highest quality. This week she has applied her artistic abilities with great care to create her ‘Buddy Card’ which her new Foundation Buddy is going to love.

5HSeb Mitropoulos Perseverance

Seb has worked very hard at his reading. His answers to our reading comprehension questions showed excellent focus. Great work Seb!

5TAbby MurrellPerseverance

Abby has demonstrated wonderful perseverance with her maths this week. She consistently tackles any challenges that come her way and never gives up on tasks that are challenging. Her ‘can do’ attitude is to be admired. Keep up the great work Abby!

5TWillow Jean-PierreLeadership

Willow showed wonderful kindness and compassion when we had a visit from the Foundation students last week. She was able to lead by example and assist her buddy with the various activities undertaken. Great work Willow!

5TSaskia OrdaKindness

Saskia was a wonderful role model to her buddy when they met on Wednesday. Her kind and calm approach ensured her buddy felt relaxed and comfortable. Your buddy is lucky to have you, Saskia.

5HKatya ThompsonLove of Learning

Katya will give any activity her very best. Her class presentations show a love of learning and her ability to provide excellent detail demonstrates an endless curiosity. Keep it up Katya!

5HAmelia DinehinTeamwork

Amelia’s cheerful nature makes it so easy for anyone to work with her. She is always the first to assist anyone else in her team or partnership to stay focussed on the task. Keep up the great teamwork Amelia!

5HCharlie MurphyTeamwork

Charlie loves to work with others. His generous and kind nature makes him  an easy person to work with. Charlie always encourages his partner or group to do the best that they can. Well done Charlie!

6BKate ColemanKindness

Kate has shown she is a respectful and caring member of 6B. She is always willing to assist her classmates whenever they need a helping hand in the classroom or out in the yard. Well done Kate, your caring nature is valued by everyone in the class!

6BSebi JonesCreativitySebi has been working hard with the FLL group to get their innovation project ready for the competition next week. He has been prepared and ready to get involved each session and has worked well with the team. Whatever the result of the competition you should be very proud of your achievement. Well done Sebi! 
6BRissy ColegraveKindness

Rissy has demonstrated a kind, caring and friendly attitude towards her friends and teachers. It has been fantastic to see your personality and sense of humour shining!

Keep up the great attitude Rissy!