Student & School Administration Reminders

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand the following school processes and procedures. Your adherence to these will ensure  an effective and safe school and learning environment is maintained for all students.

Office Hours

A reminder that the school office hours are from 8.30am-4.30pm. Outside of these times please leave a phone message or email the school. 

School Hours

Class Times

8.50am - 9.00am (soft start - see below)

9.00am - 11.00am

11.30am - 1.00pm 

2.00pm - 3.30pm


Break Times

11.00am - 11.30am (Recess)

1.00pm - 2.00pm (Lunch)


We no longer have our Uniform Shop on site.

All uniform can now be purchased from PSW, Primary School Wear in Cheltenham. Please see Flyer in this newsletter.


We have a lot of great quality second hand uniform which sells for $5.00 per piece.

 We accept clean, good quality second hand uniform anytime at the school office. Please look at your donations carefully as we cannot sell anything that has holes or stains. 

We will advise via Compass when second hand uniform will be available to purchase.

































Absences, Late Arrival & Early Departure

Absences MUST be reported via Compass on the day of absence (early in the morning or ahead of time where possible).


Students arriving to school after 9.00am or leaving during school hours MUST be signed in/out by a parent/guardian via the Compass Kiosk at the Office. 

Parents can pick up students early from the office. Office staff will ask student to come to the office to be collected by parents. 


Please use Compass to let us know if your child will be arriving late (this does NOT replace the requirement to sign your child in via the Kiosk). If you do not enter an approval note advising us that your child will be late and your child arrives at school after 10:00am, you will receive an SMS Notification: "Student Unaccounted For".

Volunteers & Visitors

If you are visiting the school for ANY reason between 9.00am and 3.30pm (with the exception of usual school pick-up/drop off), you must report your arrival and departure via the sign in book at the Office for Emergency Management purposes.

Online Consent/Payment for Excursions & Incursions

Notification of excursions and incursions requiring online consent/payment are posted to the Compass News Feed. If consent/payment for incursions and excursions (including sporting events) is not received by the due date via the appropriate Compass online consent form, your child will be unable to participate/attend.

Please note that if consent/payment is NOT completed by the 'due by date', you will no longer be able to provide consent/payment online. Please contact the office in this situation. 

Volunteers - Working with Children Check

If you have a current WWCC but have NOT presented it at the Office, please do so ASAP so that it can be photocopied and placed on file for the school records. Alternatively, a photo of both sides of your card may be emailed to: 

Anyone wishing to volunteer at Black Rock PS is required to provide a Working with Children Check. Checks are free and valid for 5 years! Apply online at:


School drop-off/pick-up supervision times & late arrivals/early departures

We appreciate parental/carer support in dropping students at school no earlier than 8.45am and picking up no later than 3.45pm. The school yard is not supervised by teachers outside the stated times.

The parents of students who are consistently observed on school grounds outside of supervision times may be kindly directed to register  at Out of Hours School Care,  or make alternative arrangements.


Travelling to and from school

School traffic

Could all members of our school community to exercise caution, patience and respect when driving around our narrow streets at all times of the day. 

  • Consider if driving is the only option to get students to school, or are health enhancing, environmentally friendly options such as walking and cycling possibilities? Is car pooling an option?
  • Drive SLOWLY – 40km/h maximum please.
  • REFRAIN from parking in or across school and neighbouring driveways – even for a short amount of time.
  • Observe the 2-minute limit at the front of the school in Arkaringa Crescent – please do not park or even exit your vehicle in this zone at peak times.
  • Do not park in the signed zones close to flagged school crossings. 
  • Remain CALM, times of high anxiety or stress can lead to rash decisions or frayed tempers.
  • ALWAYS use designated school crossings and model safe behaviours to students at all times
  • NEVER enter staff carparks, either in a vehicle or by foot/bike/scooter.
  • REMEMBER that the space in front of the double gates to the oval on Cheltenham Road is often used by buses to collect and drop-off students for events at all times of the day.


We ask all families to please ensure that you have up to date contact details on Compass. This includes current address, phone numbers, emergency contact details etc. Also, any students who have a medical condition must have a current medical records at the office. Of most importance is to ensure Asthma, Diabetes, and Anaphylaxis management plans are up to date. These need to be signed off by your local doctor and are required to be updated annually.



As part of our commitment to meeting our legislative requirements and the Schools Policy Advisory Guide, we require you to provide us with an updated Asthma Action Plan for your child. Asthma Action Plans should be reviewed annually. Please follow the link below to the new Asthma Action Plan for Victorians Schools, which has been specifically designed for schools to identify asthma signs and symptoms, and respond accordingly using the asthma medication device your child currently has at school. Once completed please return it to us as soon as possible with the appropriate medication and other device aids i.e. spacer device. Please make sure the medication is in date and any items are labelled with your child’s name.

If your medical practitioner has informed you that your child has grown out of their asthma, they will need to provide a letter, on the practice letterhead to the school stating such.

Privacy Information for Parents and Carers

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to remind yourself of the school’s collection statement, found on our website: BRPS Collection Statement 

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents.