Principal's Report

Sam Tyndall - Black Rock PS Principal

Dear BRPS Community,


As we get close to signing off on a wonderful year of learning, events and activities, I would like to thank the BRPS community for your continued resilience and contributions throughout what was again a challenging year at times. 


I would especially like to thank the dedicated teachers, Education Support staff and leaders of BRPS for their commitment throughout the year. We’re lucky to have you and hope you enjoy your well-earned rest over the festive season.


We again look to the new year with a sense of optimism that we have weathered the worst of the storm and look to grow together through the 'next' normal, and continuing to fulfil our mission to maintain Black Rock Primary School as 'the most vibrant and passionate, learning community in the City of Bayside.'


This final seven school days of 2022 at Black Rock PS brings an opportunity celebrate being together as a school community and finish off the third of the most challenging of years safely, before taking a very well-deserved break with family and friends over summer. 


Please see the '2023 BRPS Staff' page for 2023 class and staffing information. 


The following staff members will be leaving BRPS in 2023, some for a temporary period of time and others forever…


Sarah Powell - Year 2

Sarah has spent the first four years of her teaching career as a valued member of the BRPS team and will be taking up an opportunity at another school. In her time at BRPS, Sarah has grown as an educator and has supported strong learning and wellbeing outcomes for her students in both Year 5 and Year 2.  We thank Sarah for being such a positive member of the BRPS community and wish her all the best in the next chapter of her teaching career. 


Lyn Watson - Music

Thank you to Lyn who joined us in a part-time Music specialist role this term. Lyn has made a number of contributions in a short space of time and we wish her all the best in her next venture.

Marie Nicoll (Foundation) & Peter Murnane (Music) commenced leave in Term 4 of this year, and will continue that leave into 2023. 

We wish all the best to Allison Capron (Year 4) and Jo Hayes (Year 6) who will both commence maternity leave at the conclusion of this school year. 

Lauren Bell (Year 2) will be on extended leave throughout 2023.

Matt Halford (Year 5) will be taking extended Long Service Leave for the entire Semester One next year. 

We welcome a number of staff to BRPS in 2023 - some new and some familiar and returning: 

Bec Nolan (2023 Foundation) and Rose Thompson (2023 Year 5) will be returning on a part-time basis.

Brittany Lazzarini-Pholi joins us in the Year 2 team after commencing her teaching career at Elwood PS. 

Callum Jackson is commencing his first year of teaching and will join the 2023 Year 1 team. 

Catherine Brand is an experienced teacher who will join us in a Year 4,  working three days per week in a partnership class with Michala Bartholomeusz. 

2023 Class Placement

"Meet Your Teacher" letters have been sent out today. This will be followed by a transition session on Tuesday 13th December where students will have an opportunity to meet with their 2023 class and teacher.  


Please do not contact your child’s classroom teacher or the school with a request for your child’s class to be changed. 

Considerable thought has gone into class placements for 2023 and students have at least one of their requested friends. Our process is extensive as we seek to place over 500 students into the best possible learning environment and make the most of the coming year for all students. There are many other issues to consider including staffing allocations, cohort size, gender balance and room combinations – not to mention the individual academic, physical and emotional needs of our students. 

2023 Student Leaders

Our 2023 student captains were announced to the Year 4 & 5 students (2023 Year 5 & 6) last week and I would like to formally congratulate them on this achievement. 


2023 Captains:                             

Emelia Blunden, Heidi Williams, Harry Bright and Sam Blackburn


These newly appointed leaders will complete a handover with our 2022 school captains to gain an insight into the role and to prepare themselves for 2023.


I would like to acknowledge and congratulate all the Year 5 students (over 30 in total) that submitted an application and presented to the panel of teachers as they were all of an extremely high standard. From those applications, eleven candidates were shortlisted to present in front of their Year 4 & 5 peers before final selections were made and ratified by the entire BRPS staff group.  All eleven students’ presentations were of the highest standard and although not all could be selected for the roles I am certain that they will all find opportunities to demonstrate their considerable leadership skills in the near future. 

Thank you and congratulations to all students for showing great courage in applying for these positions and I wish you all the best of luck as we now continue the process of nominating the broader student leadership group for 2023. 

School Council

Our final School Council meeting for 2022 was held on Tuesday 6th December. I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution that all School Council members make to our school and thank them for their ongoing support. 

The council is made up of the following parent members: Laura Anderson (President), Cheryl Toner (Treasurer), Ari Jenshel, Debbie Halas, Nick Vakrinos and Carmen Smith. It also includes school staff: Jayne Timms, Emily Harvey and Davina Dibbs, plus additional contributions from our Business Manager, Tanya Gundry. As new parent members and long-serving staff members to our School Council, I want to thank all for their significant voluntary contributions and commitment to providing our school with strong governance and support of our improvement agenda. 

The support is much appreciated and I again look forward to working with the Black Rock Primary School Council in 2023 in a focused manner to achieve the best possible outcomes for all students at our school. 

Semester Two Student Achievement Reports

The final Student Achievement Reports for the year will be published through Compass on Friday 16th December. I encourage parents to read the reports with your child/ren and celebrate the learning success that they have achieved this year. 

Christmas Concert & Picnic - Monday 12th December

We're looking forward to welcoming our school community to the Christmas Concert and Picnic from 4-6pm on Monday evening. Please see previous Compass notifications or the Assistant Principal report for programming and other details.

Year 6 Graduation Events/Celebration Assembly

2022 Year Book 

Thank you to our 2022 BRPS yearbook Year 6 students and “Editors-in-Chief”  for curating this year’s edition. Many thanks also to the Year 6 teachers and Leading Teacher Emily Harvey who supported the students to learn new skills, work to deadlines and produce a professional year book for the entire school to enjoy.  Keep an eye out for your copy at the end of the year.


Graduation Night

Our graduation night is the chance for parents and guardians to celebrate their child's journey through primary school. This year's Graduation Ceremony will be held at Sandringham Secondary College on Thursday 15th December. 


“Buddy” Fish and Chips

On Friday 16th December, the Year Six students farewell their Foundation buddies with a walk down to Black Rock beach for a sand castle building contest. They will then return to school for a hot chip lunch with the buddies. 


Graduation Lunch

Graduation lunch will go ahead at the Black Rock Bowls Club on Monday 19th December.


Celebration Assembly

We are again planning to send off our Year 6 students and the entire school in style at our celebration assembly on Tuesday 20th December. Final details about the logistics for this event will be sent out as early as possible next week. Please be reminded that the dismissal time for the last day of the year is 1.30pm (dismissal routines will be shared via Compass prior to the day). 

                                           our amazing Year 6 teachers!


The Year 6 teachers I’m sure are working themselves to exhaustion to plan, organise and attend all of these wonderful events for the Year 6 students – as well as continue teaching, write reports, compile assessment information, share transition information with secondary schools, counsel students, make videos, order food, organise gifts and KEEP A SMILE ON THEIR FACE at the same time. 

Thank you so much Chris, Jo and Matt for going the many extra miles to ensure your students have the best possible finish to the year and leave primary school with wonderful memories.

Transition Activities

Kinder to Foundation – the newest students to our school have been able to participate in ‘Meet the Teacher’ (as well as 2023 classmates and buddies) events onsite over the past couple of weeks. We have been able to tour new parents through the external areas of the school grounds and have continued to hold very well attended information nights on videoconferencing platforms. 

I must sincerely thank our Foundation team for the super work they are doing to not only ensure continuity of learning for their current students, but also to provide opportunities for new Foundation students and their families to get off to the best possible start next year.

2023 Start and Term One Dates

Parents are reminded that whole-school and year-level specific dates are constantly updated on the Compass Calendar.  The 2023 calendar is already filling quickly with key events.  

To assist with your planning for the commencement of the 2023 school year please take note of the following dates:


Fri 27 Jan        Teachers Return (Statewide Curriculum Day - Student Free)

Mon 30 Jan    Curriculum Day (Student Free)

Tue 31 Jan      Students F-6 First Day of School

Fri 3 Feb          Round 1 - Year 5/6 Interschool Sports

Wed 15 Feb    Year 4/5/6 House Swimming Trials

Wed 22 Feb    Year 4/5/6 House Swimming Sports


I wish all members of the BRPS community the safest and happiest of breaks and we look forward to our final celebratory events, as well as welcoming you back for the commencment of the new school year in 2023. 



Sam Tyndall