VCE Studio Art: Arts Industry Context Day

VCE Studio Art Excursion

Thursday, 29th August saw the VCE Studio Arts class, accompanied by Ms McGregor and Mrs McKelvey, visit the Art Gallery of Ballarat to view the work of artist Liu Bolin in an exhibition called ‘Camouflage’.  Bolin is a Chinese artist who creates images by staging and photographing himself in-situ, after having been meticulously painted, to enable him to blend into his environment.  The exhibition is really interesting as one has to look at each work carefully to find his whereabouts.  ‘Camouflage’ was only one of the exhibitions viewed on the day.  It is part of the Ballarat International Foto Biennale that runs until 20th October, and directly relates to Unit 4, Outcome 3 of the Studio Arts course, which looks at spaces utilized in the display of artworks within public and alternate gallery spaces. 


Camo Person
Camo Costume
Camo Person
Camo Costume