City LLEN News

Victorian LLENS acknowleged by the Hon. Gabrielle Williams, Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, for Women and for Youth.
Hope for the Future Program
Concern Australia and the City LLEN have been working in partnership for over 7 years on various initiatives to support the most vulnerable young people, including those at risk of homelessness or who are already homeless. In 2019 the LLEN has been working with Anne Mitchell (who you may have seen on the Hesta TV advertisements having received a community service award for her work with young people) to help develop a new program that will deliver a range of interventions and supports for young people to overcome barriers to educational success. Leveraging the Steps Outreach Service and with support from the Melbourne Rotary Club, young people will be identified for on-going support. The aim is to help them break the generational cycles of family violence and dysfunction that can lead to homelessness and trauma by helping them stay connected to school and helping them develop a talent or interest in a skill or past-time they can achieve success in. This has the benefit of also raising their self-esteem and self-perception as a learner and could be in an academic area or in music, sport or the arts.
Girls in Trades/STEM Evening- Save the date!
City LLEN are planning an evening for girls in Trades/ STEM for Tuesday 27th August – more details coming soon.
The event will feature women from relevant industries offering their advice and expertise in how they have suceeded and girls will be given the opportunity to particiapte in hands on STEM activites, look out for more info in our newsletters and social media.
Our 2018 AGM
Thursday 28th March from 5.15 pm to 6.30pm.
RSVP by Friday the 22nd of March via return email to or text yes and your full name to 0435 421 376
Study With Your Health, Not Against It Youth Forum
Our annual Study with your health, not against it youth forum is back!
This year we are targeting a more specific group of year 11 and 12 students.
Follow the link below to register your spot at this free information evening.