Principal's Message

The New School Year 

Welcome back to Mount View for the start of the 2019 School Year. It has been wonderful to see all the students looking refreshed and keen to be back with their friends and to learn and achieve. As I move around the school it is clear that the students are energised and quietly confident in their new classrooms having been through a comprehensive transition program late last year.

Over the holiday break a great deal has been achieve in improving the school facilities. The new Eastern Playground has been completed as well as the extensive works in the entrance to the school. Other works completed include new carpeting through the corridors of the Building A, a new Administration Office, new Assistant Principal’s Office and a new Collaborative Planning Room for Staff have all been created in order to improve accessibility and communication within the school.

A new 5 Mod portable classroom was installed adjacent to the Walden Field. This will be ready for two Year 4 classes from next Monday. This means that we will be able to use a school owned double room to create a Multi-Purpose Room to be used for Out of School Hours Care, class group activities and incursions.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who worked at school over the holidays to ensure that we were ready and able to make a flying start to the 2019 School Year. In particular, I would highlight the work of Tony Lee, Nigel De Kauwe and Jamie San Martin for managing the buildings and grounds work. Their dedication is of great support to the 1,100 students at Mount View.

The students in the seven Prep classes have made a great start to their primary school education. A very big thank you to the Prep Team and all staff members who work in support of the Prep students. A happy group of five and six year olds are engaged and inspired by these dedicated teachers. As the year progresses we will notice the increasing confidence in the students as they build their knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding in all learning areas.

Executive Leadership Role & Responsibilities 2019