Pupil of the Fortnight
- Sophie Maxwell - For always working diligently and confidently on all learning tasks.
- Nic Jackson - For showing great enthusiasm and confidence when working out subtraction problems. Excellent Nic!
- AJ Stamers - For showing so much interest in reading, for working well to sound out words and putting his hand up to answer questions!
- Scarlett Williams - For getting involved in all areas of school life at Ormond and making friends so easily.
- Archie Ward - For settling in so well at Ormond Primary and enthusiastically participating in all aspects of school life!
- Caleb Hanslo - For using a selection of concrete materials to demonstrate a good understanding of subtraction, well done Caleb!
Year 1
- Isabella O’Brien - For careful listening in class and always doing her best work.
- Samuel Johnson - For persevering and succeeding when constructing 3D shapes in Mathematics.
- Adam Stekelenburg - For using planning, revising, and editing to publish a fantastic narrative about a girl living in a computer world.
- Arcadia Diaz - For using her understanding of arrays to represent and solve simple multiplication problems.
Year 2
- Zoe Dalidakis - For always thinking of others and being fair and equitable.
- Thomas O’Brien - For the excellent work he is producing in literacy and numeracy sessions.
- Gabriel Fletcher - For being a polite, considerate and respectful member of 2B.
- Liana Lev - For working as a cooperative team member, while creating Attribute Listing Grids in Creative and Critical Thinking sessions.
Year 3
- Aidan Abidi - For quickly making friends and settling into Ormond Primary School so well. Well done Aidan!
- Celeste Hang - For confidently speaking to 3A about her adventures in China.
- Seamus Cockle - For working as a cooperative team member and being very helpful.
- Alyssa Nikolakopoulos - For her excellent organisational skills and being very positive.
- Laura Wharton - For her clever use of similes and metaphors in literacy.
- Elise Clarkson - For the understanding she demonstrated when completing the questions about the layers of the rainforest.
Year 4
- Jayden Loader - For ‘determining important ideas’ whilst reading.
- Padua Beaves - For using effective mental strategies to divide decimals.
- David Canta - For quickly returning to classroom routines and activities after his long stretch overseas.
- Nina Kaufman - For her motivation and concentration which enable her to thrive in her learning.
Year 5/6
- Rex Daniels-Naim - For his consistent conscientious attitude to school work.
- Alex White - For the excellent work he does improving his mathematical knowledge and skills.
- Serge Niculita - For an in depth and precise summary on his chosen book during literacy circles.
- Sarah Sullivan - For her literal comprehension skills while describing in detail the action taking place in her group.
- Catherine Dimou-Teagle - For the excellent problem solving skills and persistence she displayed when working through a difficult Critical Thinking activity.
- Josh Anderson - For the perseverance he displayed when improving his knowledge of the multiplication and division processes.
- Dylan Clifford - For displaying increased organisational skills and responsibility as our class representative on Junior School Council.
- Emma Langley - For her ability to explain her thinking clearly when completing multiplication equations.
- Steven Stancic – for writing a clever and witty Haiku poem, well done!
- Jessica Ponsford – for her ‘always give it a go’ attitude, love it!
Good Choice Awards
- Liston Diaz - For working with his 'OrmonFest' group so well.
- Sarah Bradley - For helping others to solve difficult tasks.
- Ben Maxwell - For great resilience when his eye was damaged by a flying object in the wind.
- Duncan Barber - For demonstrating excellent team building skills on camp.
- Tom Bristow - For sticking to 2A's commitment to listen actively and do his best work.
- Ted Blundell - For trying so hard with his reading activity.
- Caleb Hanslo - For making good choices in the classroom.
Gallery: 'You Can do it' Success Keys