Principal's Report

Principal Report 

I would like to welcome back the entire Lalor Secondary College community for the beginning of term 2. We were all lucky enough to enjoy some beautiful weather over the break, but now face moving into the winter months which this week has clearly shown. A reminder to all families that we move into the winter uniform as of week 3, so all students will need to ensure they are wearing the Winter uniform in line with this change. I would like to thank all of the parents who attended the Parent teacher conferences on Thursday the 4th of April. We had a strong turn-out from families and it is during these conferences that the Term 1 progress reports are discussed with parents and allow all families to gauge how their son/daughter is progressing. If you have not viewed your child’s report please log into Compass as these reports remain available for review while your child is enrolled in the college. Student managers are currently going through the data from those reports and will be contacting parents via letter for those students who are not meeting the academic requirements of Lalor Secondary College. Students who have performed at the highest level will be recognised at upcoming year level assemblies and are to be congratulated on an excellent start to the year.


The school commemorated ANZAC day last week on Wednesday the 24th of April with the senior leaders carrying out a commemorative ceremony for the entire school. The term “ANZAC” was the name given to a combined force of the First Australian Imperial Force and New Zealand Army troops who landed on Turkey’s Gallipoli Peninsula at around dawn on Sunday, the 25th day of April, 1915, barely nine months after the outbreak of World War I. Galvanised by the example of courage and sacrifice demonstrated on that bloody battlefield, on the 10th day of January 1916 a public meeting of Brisbane citizens voted unanimously to establish the ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee to lay the groundwork for a nationwide, solemn day of public remembrance on the first anniversary of the landings. On every 25th day of April for the past 100 years, “ANZAC Day” has been observed in Australia and New Zealand, becoming an honoured and sacred institution along the way. I thank the entire school for their participation on this day and for honouring those that sacrificed so much for our way of life. I would like to specifically thank Meliz Bilgin, Obaida Chreiki, Humeyra Yildiz and Octave Tuitea for their contributions during this service.






This week was ARTS week at Lalor Secondary College. I had the pleasure of attending many of the events that run including the Mural painting in the 100’s stairwell, the Media and Music performances in the Drama centre and the fabulous morning tea put on by the faculty for all staff. There was also a display of our student’s talents in Dance at the new outdoor learning space which gathered an impressive crowd of around 300 students. I thank the ARTS faculty for running these events and for all of the students who joined in to celebrate the ARTS this week, especially the students who supplied me with my wonderful ARTS week shirts.



On Friday the 3rd of May we were visited by Mr Andrew Giles MP, the Shadow Assistant Minister for Schools who announced that under a Labor Federal Government the school would receive funding to complete the planned outdoor indigenous bush tucker oven and garden that has been developed in conjunction with our Koori students. We welcome the commitment from the Labor Federal Government who has also stated that under their funding model the school would receive an additional 1.65 million dollars over 3 years. I would like to thank two of our Indigenous students, Imogen McKay and Tirra Proctor, who welcomed Andrew on the day, as well as our two school captains who also greeted Andrew and made a very welcoming speech outlining the importance of education for students today. It was also great to have Nik Cagorski the 2004 School Captain of Lalor Secondary College attend this event. Nik is now working in Andrew’s office as the Policy / Media advisor. The school is very proud of the work Nik is doing who is very proud of his affiliation with the college.



I have been asked into the DET North Western Regional office for the next 3 and a half weeks to undertake the acting role of a Senior Education Improvement Leader. While I am absent in this role Laura Forster will be the Acting Principal at the college and any queries relating to the Principal role should now be directed to her.


Once again I thank the Lalor Secondary College school community for your support in relation to the above issues and look forward to continuing the success of first term.


Best regards,


Corey Jewell


College Principal