Frew House Dinner

The weather held up kindly at this year with gorgeous sunshine and a blissful breeze as the members of Frew arrived promptly in their stunning attire which allowed for some exceptional, red-carpet quality photos to be taken beforehand. The evening was amazingly catered for by the Bendigo Club with fabulous decorations. After searching for our seats, some light conversation and getting to know those we would be sitting with for the next three hours, the entertainment began. The speeches and toasts were intellectual and well thought out, the musical performances and acts were intriguing and allowed for the whole house to get involved. Our meals met the expected standard with limited dietary mistakes, and the wait staff was exemplary. At the end of the night came the appreciation of the Frew members of staff and the reminiscing and farewelling of the beloved year 12 students as their final year comes to a close. 


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