Year 5 and 6 Bathurst Camps 

S. Cummings and Year 6 students 

This term, students in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend camp. This year we will be travelling to Bathurst to participate in hands-on learning experiences from colonisation to the discovery of gold in Australia. Our students completed a History Unit taught in Semester 1 focusing on, 'Australian Colonies.' The learning completed in each classroom will assist our students to be involved in real life learning. Each camp is for three days and two nights with an incredible itinerary.  


Year 5 (Week 7) : Tuesday, 29th August to Thursday, 31st August

Year 6 (Week 9) : Monday, 11th September to Wednesday, 13th September 



Day 1: 

We leave school at 9:00am to travel to Bathurst. The first stop is at Katoomba for Crunch N Sip then Scenic World to enjoy a ride on the Scenic Railway, a guided tour of the Valley floor and a trip on the Scenic Cableway. 

Next we have lunch and travel to Historic Hartley for a guided tour of the courtroom, church and garage. We also have free time to explore and walk around the village.  

Finally we head to our accommodation, students go to their cabins and settle in with their friends.

Lastly we have dinner followed by Colonial Music around a campfire. 

Day 2: 

We start our day with breakfast at 7:30am followed by a trip to the Planetarium to view a show titled,' Aboriginal Sky Stories' with a learning focusing on how Aboriginals lived and moved campsites from the movement of the moon and stars. We then have morning tea. 

Next we participate in 'Life in Colonial Australia' at the Bathurst Goldfields. Students are involved in a number of engaging activities such as cooking damper, stacking mud bricks, operating old machinery, playing old outdoor games and panning for gold. We have a sausage sizzle for lunch and continue our program on the goldfields. 

Students have some free time in their rooms before dinner. 

Day 3: 

Students have breakfast at 7:30am then pack and load their luggage onto their coach.

We travel back to the Blue Mountains to complete a 'Blue Mountains History Tour' of Mt York. Students examine physical evidence of old roads and their impact on English explorers who travelled through this steep unknown bushland. We will listen to readings from original journals and letters. 

Next we travel to Echo Point for lunch and a walk to see The Three Sisters. We hop back on our coaches to our final destination - school. The estimated arrival time is 4:00pm. 


Year 6 student quotes from their 2022 camp experience to Canberra


"I enjoyed everything. I remember being really happy and free. I also loved the food, it was so yummy and we even had frozen yoghurt." Aleisha 


"My favourite part of camp was the cabins and bus trip." Karen 


"What I liked about the Year 5 camp was the War Memorial as we learnt about the soldiers that fought in wars to represent Australia. I also enjoyed the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) as we played many different games such as basketball, penalty soccer and skiing." Kevin


"I enjoyed all of the camp activities but my favourite part was the new Parliament House. We even had frozen yoghurt there." Sarah 


"I liked how we got to do a lot of fun activities." Alicia 


"My camp highlight was the Australian Mint because it was satisfying to see the coins fall into the barrels". Aedan 


"I really enjoyed Questacon and the cabins, basically the entire experience overall." Valencia  


Camp is an amazing experience for our students to learn and spend time with their friends and teachers. Expression of Interest notes were handed out last term. The payment schedule and medical note, students received on Wednesday.  


If you would like your child to attend, please speak to the class teacher. There are spaces still available. The total cost is $345.00. If families are experiencing difficulty with the cost, the school can provide financial assistance. Please speak to Mrs Cummings or visit the school office. Parents are welcome to speak to their child's class teacher or Mrs Cummings, if there are any questions or concerns. 


The teachers and I are looking forward to camp with our students this year. Bathurst is an educational and fun place to visit. Be sure to check our school Facebook page for photos and updates while we are away having the absolute time of our lives.