Soccer Shootout

Ms Savva, Olivia and Chloe

In Week 9, the student leaders of St Johns Park Public School held a K-6 event, which was the Soccer Shootouts. We completed our fundraiser throughout the whole week having each grade on an assigned day at lunch time. We needed to provide an enjoyable activity to raise money for our K to Year 2 students to receive an upgraded playing area with entertaining and vibrant playground markings. We thought that soccer could be a very fun way for children to have a go! With the help from our P&C, the Stage 3 SRC team and other staff members and teachers, the event was smoothly running throughout the week. Everyone who participated had a very exciting and enthusiastic experience. The total money that we collected at the end was $170. We thank everyone who engaged in this event, allowing us to raise funds, and also to all the people who assisted our Soccer Shootout fundraiser. 


By: Olivia & Chloe