Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

Welcome back

It is great to have everyone back for Term 3. We had a fantastic first week with the celebration of indigenous culture through the Koomurri Incursion. Our students participated in many activities including boomerang throwing, story telling and art. The whole school artwork is already displayed in the foyer of the school office. There are pictures from the day in this newsletter.


Semester 1 Reports

Student Progress Reports for Semester 1 were sent home at the end of last term. If parents would like to discuss your child’s progress and achievement, we are conducting Parent/Teacher Interviews on Wednesday, 26th July. As per last term, 

  • Interviews are allocated on a first in basis and are strictly for 10 minutes
  • Parents should only attend if well and symptom-free.
  • If you require an interpreter, please indicate on the note so that the teacher can book a timeslot. These spots are limited and only available between 4 and 7pm
  • If you are unable to secure a time, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange an alternate meeting.


This term, you will receive your child’s NAPLAN 2023 individual student report. I want to share with you some important information to know about individual student results and NAPLAN 2023.

New proficiency standards

From 2023, the Individual student report will look different to previous years. One significant change is that NAPLAN results are now reported against proficiency standards, with student achievement shown against 4 levels of proficiency: Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs additional support. There is a standard for each assessment area at each year level. The NAPLAN measurement scale and time series have also been reset. For more information see the individual student report brochure for parents and carersExternal link. The brochure is available in other languages on the NAPLAN results and reports websiteExternal link.

NAPLAN reports and ongoing assessments

NAPLAN tests are only one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process. As they are held once every 2 years for each student, they cannot replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance.

A separate letter will be sent home this week for students in Years 3 & 5 who sat NAPLAN 2023.


Education Week

Education Week is an annual celebration of NSW public education and the achievements of our schools, students and education system.  

Education Week 2023 will be held from 31 July to 4 August 2023 (Week 3, Term 3). This year’s theme is 175 years of public education in NSW and focuses on learning from our past, celebrating our achievements and embracing the future with confidence.

This year marks 175 years since the establishment of public schools in NSW. Founded in 1848, the Board of National Education was formed and tasked with establishing a public education system in NSW. Prior to 1848, schools operated under a denominational system and were the responsibility of churches.

Theme - 175 years of public education in NSW

Learning from our past

  • We reflect and learn from policies and practices of the past 175 years.
  • We engage in truth-telling to have honest conversations about the past.

Celebrating our achievements

  • We celebrate our achievements throughout the NSW public education system.
  • We celebrate the significant contribution public education has made to society over the past 175 years.
  • We celebrate the work of teachers and support staff in developing and shaping the next generation.
  • We celebrate all types of learning that occurs at all levels across our education system.
  • We celebrate our shared responsibility in helping to shape the lives and futures of today’s learners.

Embracing the future with confidence

  • We are energised by the ways our education system is preparing young people to be agile thinkers and lifelong learners from the first days in early childhood education to post-school pathways.

We will be holding several activities during Week 3. 


Quote for Week 2:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela