Acting Principal

Sarah Joseph

Acting Principal


As I write this, our intrepid travellers are just on the return journey from their amazing adventures in Japan. When asked what the highlight has been, they couldn’t decide and said everything! It has certainly been a jampacked trip where the students have got to see lots of different parts of Japan including a tour of Tokyo, a trip to Kidzania, a visit to the Hiroshima Memorial Park, a Kyoto tour, and a trip to Universal Studios.  Apparently, it has also been very hot – a bit of a change from our current chilly weather in Melbourne!


Meanwhile, back at school – everything seems to be going well in term 3 at Kingswood. I have been Acting Principal during this time, and it has been lovely to see the students settling back so well into their classes and their learning. 


Our Year 4s are off for a visit to Werribee Zoo next week and have been planning and writing persuasive pieces about the merits or issues with zoos. They have also had a live online video session with Werribee Zoo educators; I walked into one on African Wild Dogs! We hope they enjoy the trip next week.


Our teachers have had Professional Learning this week on fractions, where we played with some of the new and established maths resources we have for building a firm conceptual understanding of fractions for our students. A lot of our improvement work on maths this year has been around moving between concrete, pictorial and abstract learning in maths – as well as encouraging students to talk and think aloud about what they are exploring. 


In week 1, our Year 3 students had their first overnight camp at Wombat Corner. Some of the highlights for the students included archery, the flying fox and canoeing. It seems like the Year 3 students absolutely loved their adventures and came back full of stories, but very tired! Well done and thank you to all our Year 3 teachers and other helpers for making this experience possible for our students. 


We continue with amazing experiences for our students next week, as our Year 5s are off on Monday to Sovereign Hill and their two-night camp – have a great time!