Year 6 Curriculum 



During Term Two students in Year 6 will be undertaking a novel study based on the text ‘Who Am I?’ by Anita Heiss. Students will be unpacking the author considerations for the text and the context of the time. There will also be opportunities for students to identify themes, summarise the text and discover interesting and new vocabulary. Together with the teacher, they will set individual reading goals and have the opportunity and support to practice applying specific strategies in their independent and small group reading tasks. Students will also be tested on their reading comprehension and fluency during individual conferences.



The Grade 6 students will both undertake units on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. We will be determining the links between the three as well as exploring strategies to solve problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also use our understanding of decimals to complete a financial mathematics unit which will involve adding and multiplying decimals, as well as using a budget to plan a trip. In Measurement we will be looking at using appropriate units of measurement and solving problems relating to volume and capacity. Students will also explore what comprises a 3D shape and the nets that form them. Students will continue to build on their automatic recall of multiplication facts through daily fluency sessions.



Throughout Term Two students will be looking at two writing genres, writing to explain and writing to persuade. Firstly, students will be writing explanation texts on a topic of their choice. Students will need to research their topic, follow the correct structure for an explanation text with the use of time connectives and clearly explain their topic with the use of technical vocabulary. Students will also refine their work to ensure there is correct punctuation and sentence fluency for the text type. Students will also undertake a unit where they will write an essay on the class novel. Students will be exposed to an essay text type, following a structure and using evidence from the text to support their thinking.



Year 6 students will undertake a unit exploring the Australian Government. Students will discover the structure, purpose and differences between our system and others around the world. In a second unit, students will learn about colonial life in Australia, including significant people, groups, developments and events that shaped colonies.



We are looking forward to continuing to enhance our wellbeing this term with the continual implementation of the Resilience Project. Students will explore the importance of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through a series of carefully planned and targeted learning experiences. Students will also undertake sessions following the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships. These sessions will touch on emotions, human rights and ways to encourage respect between their own and different genders.


Visual Arts

This term in Visual Arts, students in Year 6 will explore the art mediums of construction, painting and print making. They will demonstrate the use of different techniques and processes in planning and making artworks. During construction, they will cut shapes from cardboard to create a relief sculpture. When exploring painting, students will focus on the art elements of line, shape, colour, texture and space. They will explore new mediums as well as using their fingers as a painting tool. Students will learn to create ‘collagraph prints’ using cardboard or foam glued onto a cardboard background.


Performing Arts

Production! Production! Production! This term all students, in all year levels will be spending Performing Arts classes rehearsing for our upcoming whole school production 'Kismet in Story Land'.  Students will be rehearsing two separate dances, as well as the retelling of their cohorts' chosen story. Students will be exploring creative and expressive dramatic skills during their scene, as well as enhancing their co-ordination and gross-motor skills when learning their stage entrances, exits and on-stage rotations. All students are encouraged to participate in rehearsals, regardless of whether they intend to perform on the night, as these are important skills in confidence and teamwork. 



This term in Japanese we are having a whole school focus on self introductions. The Year 5/6 students are learning how to say “Nice to meet you”, “My name is…”, “I am … years old”, “I like…”, “I live in…” and “I’m in grade…”. On Tuesday 1st August, Kismet Park Primary School will be hosting some Japanese students for a day. These students are from Nagano High School, the sister school of Sunbury College. We hope that our students will get the opportunity to introduce themselves in Japanese to our visitors. Year 6 students will also be learning a Japanese song in Japanese classes for a special “Buddies” scene (with their Prep Buddies) in the Kismet in Storyland whole school Production.


Physical Education

This term, students will be exploring moving their bodies through Aerobics. Students will be working on creating their own aerobics session and presenting this to the class. They will be working with a partner or in small groups. Students will select their music and create aerobic exercises. They will show movement and the ability to create a short sequence of movements. After their presentation, feedback will be an important part of the process.