Year 3/4 Curriculum Newsletter

In writing, Grade 3 and 4 will be focusing on the following text types:
Explanation Text
Grade 3 will be exploring how to write a nonfiction piece to explain an action, process or event. Students will explain how or why something happens.
Historical Retell
Grade 4 will be learning about narratives through a historical perspective.
Grade 4 will be learning how to use poetic devices in our writing to create short poems.
This term in Reading the Grade 3/4 students will be covering a number of topics such as -Predicting, Author’s Purpose, Inferring, Summarising, Literal Questions and Synthesising, they will be reading a wide range of books and also expanding their Vocabulary.
This term in Mathematics, the Grade 3 and 4 students will learn mental strategies for multiplication and division and the connection between these two operations. They will investigate the properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects. They will also extend their knowledge in time conversion and calculating elapsed times. Students will conduct experiments of chance and discuss their outcomes.
In Term Three, grade 3 and 4 students will continue to participate in weekly activities revolving around the Resilience Project, as well as incorporating new lessons based on the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships toolkit. These lessons will work on building students’ personal and social capabilities and assist them in becoming empathetic, mindful and grateful members of our community.
Grade 3 Inquiry
In our Community inquiry unit, Grade 3 students will explore their local community including its geographic information, features, rules and history. They will identify and describe the demographic characteristics of places they live and belong to, recognise how the community has changed and remained similar over time.
In our Digital Technology unit, Grade 3 students will investigate how technologies are used in the everyday world. They will learn about different types of algorithms, how following steps help to achieve a goal, how digital technologies can be programmed to follow a sequence of steps and will be introduced to pixels and how they form digital images on a computer.
Visual Arts
This term in Visual Arts, students in Year 3 will continue to explore collage using paper to create realistic and imaginative artworks. Students will also investigate bright and brilliant colours through painting, learning about artists from the Fauvism era. Students will explore threads and textiles by creating artworks using a sewing ‘running’ stitch. They will discuss the materials and techniques used to make their artworks and they will reflect on the process as well as the completed product.
This term in Visual Arts, students in Year 4 will continue to explore collage using paper to create realistic and imaginative artworks. Students will also investigate bright and brilliant colours through painting, learning about artists from the Fauvism era. Students will explore threads and textiles by creating artworks using a sewing ‘running’ stitch. They will discuss the materials and techniques used to make their artworks and they will reflect on the process as well as the completed product.
Performing Arts
Production! Production! Production! This term all students, in all year levels will be spending Performing Arts classes rehearsing for our upcoming whole school production 'Kismet in Story Land'. Students will be rehearsing two separate dances, as well as the retelling of their cohorts' chosen story. Students will be exploring creative and expressive dramatic skills during their scene, as well as enhancing their co-ordination and gross-motor skills when learning their stage entrances, exits and on-stage rotations. All students are encouraged to participate in rehearsals, regardless of whether they intend to perform on the night, as these are important skills in confidence and teamwork.
This term in Japanese we are having a whole school focus on self introductions. The Year 3/4 students are learning how to say “Nice to meet you”, “My name is…”, “I am … years old”, “I like…”, “I live in…” and “I’m in grade…”. On Tuesday 1st August, Kismet Park Primary School will be hosting some Japanese students for a day. These students are from Nagano High School, the sister school of Sunbury College. We hope that our students will get the opportunity to introduce themselves in Japanese to our visitors. Students will also continue to develop their reading and writing of Japanese through various activities related to their self-introductions.
Physical Education
This term students will be given the opportunity to refine their skills when moving their bodies. Through Gymnastics, students will participate in activities where they can demonstrate their strength, flexibility and show good balance. They will be exposed to a variety of apparatus including balance beams. Through Dance, students will be able to move their bodies to music in both informal and formal ways. Students will be dancing individually, in groups and with a partner.