Pierre Bonnard Exhibition

On Friday, 28 July, the VCE Art Making and Exhibiting class went with the VCE French class to view the Pierre Bonnard Exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria. The Art students enjoyed a day immersed in the vibrant colours of the paintings, which captured the immediacy of Bonnard’s daily life, while the French students learned about the artist’s cultural background. We all came away from the exhibition exhilarated by the dreamlike qualities of the artist’s work and the clever design created by India Mahdavi. Mahdavi used the patterns she saw in Bonnard's paintings to decorate the walls on which the works hung, providing a captivating experience for us, the viewers. We finished our city visit with lunch at a French café so we could practice speaking French when we ordered our meal.
Tonia Burgess Marie-Therese Youssef
VCE Art Teacher French Teacher