HCC News and Announcements

New HCC PFA President
I am very pleased to let our community know that we have a new PFA President, Samuel Sitther.
Samuel and his wife, Janet have a daughter in Grade 4. I am sure you will join me in congratulating Samuel. The PFA is a very important part of the College and I would encourage you to get involved in the various activities that are run by the PFA.
Jason Burgess
Head of Campus
2024 Enrolments Reminder
For families who have children commencing Prep or Year 7 in 2024, the Enrolment Applications are due ASAP in order to guarantee them a placement.
The application forms can be accessed here (please click). Or you can contact our enrolments officer, Rebecca Bunyon at enrolments@hcc.vic.edu.au and she will send you the link.
Junior Engineers
Chess Mates