Mobile Phone Ban

Important information from the Department of Education

about student use of mobile phones in schools.

New Student Mobile Phone Management Plan starts from Day 1 of Term 4.

You may have heard about the changes regarding mobile phone use in NSW high schools beginning in Term 4, 2023.


Merrylands High School acknowledges the educational value of technology in supporting and enhancing educational outcomes and student wellbeing. We also recognise mobile phones may cause harm if used inappropriately. We are committed to supporting our students to use them in safe, responsible and respectful ways to enhance student learning and engagement.


After careful consideration with our key stakeholders including members of the Student Representative Council (SRC), parents, staff and executive teams, we have decided to proceed by using the strategy of locked pouches, to reduce the distractions to students in the classroom.

Indoor Unlocking Station
Mobile Phone Pouch
Mobile Phone Pouch
Outdoor Unlocking Station (closed)
Outdoor Unlocking Station (opened)
Indoor Unlocking Station
Mobile Phone Pouch
Mobile Phone Pouch
Outdoor Unlocking Station (closed)
Outdoor Unlocking Station (opened)

The Department’s mobile phone ban will apply during all school hours, including break times such as during recess and lunch, as well as while students are on school-organised events and excursions.


Students will still be able to carry their phones while travelling to and from school.


Individual student requests for exemption will be managed by the Principal and assessed by the school, for medical and learning needs.


The new strategy is being implemented to increase focus in classrooms, remove distractions and to promote positive social interaction, while reducing the potential for online bullying.


All students will be issued with lockable phone pouches on Day 1 of Term 4.


We look forward to working with you and the students, to make sure everyone is aware of the changes, and will continue to provide information updates directly to you via students, on our school website and through our social media channels.


We are excited to make our school a mobile phone-free space to improve learning and engagement, however, we will always make sure you can contact your child in an emergency. There will also be further information posted on the school website and via letters to parents and carers.


If you have any questions, please get in contact with the school directly on (02) 9632 9401.