School Council News
The last School Council meeting was held on Monday 24th July 2023.
The Council commended the School on the outstanding Naplan results received a few weeks prior and the success of the first Learner Showcase which created such a buzz around the school and should definitely be held again!
Teacher Presentation: W Saunders & Grace Smith-Davies
The meeting opened with a terrific presentation from Will Saunders and Grace Smith-Davies on numeracy and literacy programs at EPS as required by the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP).
The AIP is a policy provided by the Dept of Education and is a core part of school business. It documents a sharp and narrow focus on school improvement priorities and provides clarity and purpose for all members of the school community as they work towards the Goals set out in the School Strategic Plan (SSP).
Goal 1a Learning - Support both those who need scaffolding and those who have thrived to continue to extend their learning, especially in numeracy
Actions were chosen by the School to achieve this goal:
- Build the data literacy of staff and tutors
- Create a highly effective tutor-learning program
Actions chosen by the School to implement:
- Development of ongoing formative assessment to create awareness of students' next steps, create rich assessment tasks and build teacher content knowledge.
- Development of the sequence of learning.
- Use of triangulation documents. Inclusion of rich tasks, classwork and proficiency assessments (digital assessments i.e. MOI, PAT, DAL). Examples of triangulation, assessments and rich tasks are shared with the council.
- The development of planning is discussed from conception (assessment, rich tasks) to weekly planning documents.
- Tutoring program.
- Extensive involvement for tutors planned for Year 4 in Semester 2.
- Support teachers in the classroom by monitoring class sizes.
The program is funded by the contribution of the parent/carer community. The community is provided with regular updates on the program to build opportunities for the community to see the value.
Finance - C Simmonds and D Moore
Finance Report was presented and Chris and Danielle were delighted to share that the School is in a strong financial position and well-placed to deliver a balanced budget that delivers on our strategic objectives in 2023.
Marketing/Grants - D Moore
Website Update
- New website copy was provided to Council for comment
- School staff are very happy with the work that has been done.
- Consideration of how the website can be used for prospective parents/carers as well as current parents/carers.
- Final comments on the copy deck given before the end of the week (28th July).
- Wireframe has been created (an architectural layout of what the website will look like).
- A graphic designer has been engaged in the design aspect of the website including brand, logo design and usability.
- Timeline: Website live on the 31st of August.
Buildings and Grounds Subcommittee - M Williams
An update was provided on the projects underway, including;
- Scope confirmed - Gym and Brickwood North Wing. Contingency funds set aside may allow us to complete the South wing Staff bathrooms only.
Oval including Multi-Sports Court
- The oval will open when the turf dries out which will be the start of Spring, all going well.
- Multi Sports court had level issues that have been resolved and work is underway.
- Letter expected eminently from Structural Engineer to allow occupation whilst remedial works are carried out to external structure over the next 6 months.
- Given temporary permission to use the Greenzone imminently
- Sensory herb garden is to be added
- Concentric circles were chosen to allow whole classes to sit around a central point.
Murphy Street Front Entrance Project
The School is awaiting a quote being received for the concreter, plumber confirmed to commence works and fencing and landscaping to come.
5-Year Plan Consultancy - D Moore
The planning of the next 5-Year Plan is underway and all of the community will be invited to add their feedback, ideas and suggestions.
- The community will be invited to contribute via Padlet after being provided background and context via Newsletter and Compass
- Students' feedback via Padlet for 2 - 6’s. Conversations or posters for preps/1s
- Timing is 2nd/3rd week in August
Future Planning: Kinder - D Moore
What is happening?
- The Department of Education has announced that by 2032 all 4yo kinder will be delivered as 30-hour programs called ‘Pre-Prep’.
- This doubles the existing 4yo programs and will reduce most service capacities by 50%.
- The Department and Local Government Authorities (LGA) are investigating how the infrastructure can be delivered.
- North Brighton Kinder has recently been renovated but was designed prior to the 30-hour announcement.
- EPS to commence discussions and pre-planning into what these changes mean for our School and how we can work together with North Brighton Kinder. Work still to be done here.
Parents & Carers Association - P Norman
The Big Night Out preparations were in full swing at the time of the meeting, and have since taken place. See PCA page for more information about the event and the amount that was raised!
Policy and Education – M Tucker & N Smith
Policy reviews were discussed but no approval required:
- LGBTIQ+ student support policy
- Working in isolation or after-hours policy
- Respect for school staff policy
- Ride to school policy has been discontinued, link to Department instead.
Business Arising and Correspondence
Jacqui Banks spoke with the local Councillor and Mayor, and followed up with an email to him to outline our concern around pedestrian, cycling and traffic considerations and management. Have asked him to consider signage, parking restrictions, pedestrian crossing, new street roundabout etc. Further follow-up is required.
Phoebe Norman
School Council Member
Mum of Georgia, 2A and Henry, Prep A