
Kitchen Garden

The junior school students have started their Kitchen Garden experience with taster sessions during the swimming program with a focus on safe use and correct identification of common kitchen and garden equipment. 

The year 1 students used natural materials found in the garden such as twigs, stones, flowers, leaves and tan bark to make pictures and mandalas. The students only used items found on the ground and used their imagination creatively and energetically.

The year 2 students made newspaper pots and planted a pansy seedling.


For their second session, the year 2 students made mini crustless quiches using spinach and egg and other ingredients. Using sustainable practices the students made no sew sock chickens stuffed with shredded newspaper. Our focus this week was on chicken care, and those students who have helped care for the chickens over holiday times were able to share their knowledge and experience of what is involved in caring for chooks.


National Tree Day

This weekend marks a celebration of trees.  Planet Ark's National Tree Day started in 1996 and has grown into Australia's largest community tree planting and nature care event.

It's a call to action for all Australians to get their hands dirty and give back to the community.


We will again be making community connections with Bunnings in Scoresby  who have in the past provided us with native shrubs to plant around our school gardens. Keep your eyes and ears out for any local initiatives that mark this occasion. 


Perhaps you could spend some time focusing on trees in your local neighbourhood or wherever you happen to be over the weekend. Explain to your children how beneficial trees are to us and how vital they are for our health and the health of our planet.  


Watch: Trees Save The World (2:28). 

Some fabulous books on trees include: 

Read aloud: The Hugging Tree: A Story About Resilience (4:29)

Read aloud: The Giving Tree - Animated Children's Book (5:38)