Fran Forsyth
Sports Coordinator
Senior Boys basketball
In summary, this was a fantastic testament to the sport program at our college. The team of Ben Day, Banjo Hickey, James Hose, Seth McCleish, Toby Jacometti, Ethan Walder, Jamie O’Reilly, Brodie Smith and RJ Dans represented our college and values excellently. Umpires and officials were so impressed at the way our players conducted themselves. Numerous times respect was shown to our opposition through helping them up off the ground, apologising and appreciating.
In terms of the outcomes, we met a fired up and well-prepared Western Heights in the first round and they took us by surprise. We were competitive for much of the game, but the outcome ended up being 15-36. The next two games were good victories against Geelong 32-26 and Oberon 31-19. Across the day nearly every player shot double figures and highlights the team approach shared by each player. Sadly, that was the end of our competition on the day, but it was pleasing to be second in our strong pool of teams.
Christos Kyvetos
Intermediate Boys Hockey
Congratulations to the Intermediate Boys Hockey on an excellent effort. The boys played off in 4 matches. They won 3 games in convincing fashion, and one game that they drew with Geelong High, after having majority of the play in their forward half. Unfortunately, due to goal difference, our team missed out on making the next round of competition.
I would like to congratulate the boys for their amazing effort, teamwork, and behaviour during the day. They played with pride and a will to win. Well done!
Borrowing Times: 12:39pm – 12:50pm
On the Borrowing Sheet record the Date, your Name, Home Group and what you borrowed.
Return Times: 1:25pm
Hand in borrowed equipment and have your name marked off. Any problems with returning equipment explain to the staff at the Sports Shack.
Not returning equipment will affect you being allowed to borrow equipment in the future.
The Sports Shack is a great addition to the facilities for students, so let’s make sure it runs smoothly.