Joel McDougal
Senior Sub Schoo Manager
The Senior School has had a real focus on the end of year and beyond in these first few weeks of the new term. There is a lot happening in the Senior Sub School to prepare students for the end of year celebrations, exams and formalities that are to come.
Attendance and Self Care
Now is a timely reminder that your attendance is as important as ever. If you are unable to attend school due to illness, please contact our attendance officer and provide a medical certificate with the correct days of absence upon your return to school. If you are not in the classroom learning, the expectation is you will contact your teachers and catch up on work missed to ensure the best outcomes in your education. Students are reminded to get enough sleep each night and consume nutritious food throughout the day to fuel your body and brain. Manage your time well and continue to go over the content for all your subjects to make revision more manageable as we approach exam time.
Year 12 Subject Selections
Year 11 students have completed their subject selections for their VCE and VCE Vocational Major studies in 2024. Year level assemblies, classroom teacher discussions and careers team meetings have enabled students the opportunity to discuss their learning and pathway options throughout this process. Students wishing to study a VET in Year 12 have been provided with a VET application form; this should be completed and returned to the Senior Sub School Team promptly.
Year 12 Graduation
The 2023 Graduation will be at GMHBA Stadium on Tuesday 21 November. The format for purchasing tickets will be outlined in an upcoming assembly with each student allowed to purchase 1 ticket for themselves and 2 additional tickets for family or friends. Prices for the event tickets will be $100 in total with a deposit required to be paid. More information regarding this will be passed onto students and families shortly.