Paul Dawson Bradley Headlam Sarah Bridges
Brad Smallman Ryan Mills
Acting Assistant Principals
Term 3
It has been a really positive start to the term. During the NAIDOC assembly students were respectful as they learnt about the theme “For Our Elders” from our Indigenous students and families and participated in the smoking ceremony.
Forty students in years 7-10 participated in activities at Laser Quest as an acknowledgment of their consistent efforts throughout Semester One. This was determined by Progress Report data.
We welcome Brad Smallman and Ryan Mills to the Principal team.
Short Stay: International Students
Last week we welcomed 25 students who visited us from China, to learn about school in Australia and experience another country and culture. They stayed with families from our school community and attended classes. On Thursday 20/7 students went to experience the Great Ocean Road Chocolaterie at Anglesea, followed by a visit to the falls at Lorne.
We are expecting another group in Week 4.
Semester Reports / Parent Teacher Conferences
Semester reports have been released to parents and students.
Parent Teacher Conferences are on 16 August, and we encourage all families to attend to discuss student progress and set goals for Semester 2. Compass will open for bookings closer to the date.
NAPLAN Results
NAPLAN results will be sent to parents of Year 7 and 9 Students.
In 2023, individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for each assessment. This scale indicates whether the student is meeting expectations for the literacy and numeracy skills needed to participate fully in that year level.
Parents will receive a NAPLAN Information for Parents guide as well as their student’s report.
Careers Counselling
Year 8 Students have experienced a Careers Expo, completing Career Action Plans and are now selecting subjects for Year 9.
During week 2 Year 10 students participated in a series of Career activities. These include “Uni Myths Busted” presented by Deakin Uni students, Immersion Day to Deakin University, followed by subject counselling during week 3 on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th July.
During week 2, Year 11 students finalised Year 12 subjects.
Key Dates:
2 August - Professional Practice Day for all staff. Students are not required to attend school.
16 August - Parent Teacher Conferences.
31 August - Curriculum Day for staff (Berry Street Training).