Principal's Report

A message from the Principal

It is with great pleasure that I warmly welcome back our students and families to Term 3. The start of the term has been positive and productive for staff and students alike. Many students have started new elective subjects this semester and our teachers are focused on developing relationships with their students and ensuring our learners are engaged. This is a very important term for our Year 12 students, as they work towards completing their Unit 4 outcomes and prepare for the Exams early in Term 4. All of our senior learners need to be “ramping” up their study at home and ensuring all tasks are completed for every lesson.


The focus of this term for our students in Years 9, 10 and 11 has been preparing for their senior studies pathway. Staff across the school have supported each individual student to understand their strengths and passions, so as to identify the best learning program to help them achieve their desired destination when they graduate. In week one of term, students toured through a fantastic Subject Expo, intended to broaden the understanding of what subjects are on offer in the senior years. Our students were deeply curious, came with great questions and showed interest in a wide variety of subject areas, which is very heartening to see.


The Senior Studies Parent Information Evening also took place for our Year 9 and 10 students in the first week. It was very well attended by both parents and our students and again some fantastic questions were asked. Every student in Years 9, 10 and 11 has had one-on-one meetings with their Course Counsellor to support them in choosing the best pathway from them, which culminated in the Course Counselling Interviews on Wednesday. There is no doubt that our Course Counselling process is comprehensive, highly supported and strengthens the partnership between the school, our students and our parents.

A special event took place at the school for our Koorie students earlier this term. Stephanie Swain brought together a number of Indigenous community members, in addition to staff at the school, for the inaugural Campfire Conversation at Reservoir High School. The event involved a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, creating Indigenous art and sharing of stories. It was an exceptional experience for all involved.


Our Parent/Teacher Conferences were held last week through Webex and they were very well attended. Our teachers enjoyed connecting with our parents and sharing the learning that their children have demonstrated during Semester 1. If you were unable to attend for any reason, please email your child’s teachers to get feedback as to their learning progress.


Our School Review, which takes place every four years, begins in Term 4. We are currently in the self-evaluation phase which involves staff, students and parents, so as to understand what we have achieved over the last four years and identify what our improvement focus for the next four will involve. I look forward to sharing our Strategic Plan and what we will be focusing on for next year with our school community later this year.


Finally, there has been an increase this term in students wearing incorrect uniform to school. Please be aware that we have a strong uniform policy at Reservoir High School as it builds pride in self and pride in school. Any student who comes to school wearing incorrect uniform without a note from home will receive a consequence. We ask that all parents support us in ensuring your child is correctly dressed in the full uniform. 

(We have number of lost uniform items in lost property, if you have an Item missing ask your child to check in the General Office)


Attached is a uniform price list for your convenience 



I look forward to meeting more of our parents and families at the upcoming School Production of “Shrek The Musical” in late August.


Kind regards,

Katie Watmough
