Curriculum Matters 

Level 2

Level 2 have been having fun learning about season of the years as a part of our Numeracy lessons.

 We looked at how our seasons are different to countries in the northern hemisphere and looked at Indigenous Australian seasons too. We then created artwork to reflect each season. Can you guess which season each artwork represents?

Level 3

Level 3 students participated in a group activity that demonstrated the difference between Democracy and Dictatorship. As part of this unique experience, each group selected two leaders. These leaders were then handed a bag of delicious lollies. But here's where it gets interesting!

In the Dictatorship group, the leader held the power to decide how the lollies would be distributed among the group members. This simulation helped our young learners understand the concept of authoritative leadership.  

In the Democracy group, a collaborative approach was taken. Every member of the group had a voice in determining how the lollies would be shared. Through open discussions and shared decision-making, our students explored the dynamics of teamwork, negotiation, and inclusivity – all key aspects of democratic leadership.

The Level 3 students discovered firsthand the strengths and challenges associated with each leadership style gaining a deeper appreciation for the importance of effective communication, consensus-building, and respecting diverse opinions.

Level 4

On Friday 11th August,  Level 4 students participated in a Billy Cart building incursion and a small engine talk to further enhance their understanding of our Inquiry topic Inventors & Innovators. The students had chance design and create a Billy Cart. The students enjoyed learning about the design and building process and best of all riding in the Billy Carts. James Holden brought in some small engines and explained how the worked and gave the students a opportunity to touch and use some of these engines. The students enjoyed learning about different types of engines.


Here are some students recount of the day:

On Friday, Mr Holden showed us many varieties of engines. Firstly, I highly enjoyed his explanation about the biggest and smallest engines, as well as how the two-stroke and four-stroke engines work.

Next, Mr Holden spread out some engines for us to observe. We’ve seen many parts of the engines. Lastly, he let us brainstorm some things that consist of engines. I had learnt a lot about the moving objects in an engine. Overall, I had a fantastic time learning about the different engine types.

 Trinity Y (4B)


On Friday 11th of August, we went on our Billy Carts incursion and had fun learning the designing process. There were three activities and everyone had a try with all of them. The first activity was the workshop where we got to build our mini model of the Billy Cart. The second activity was building the prototype of the actual Cart. The last activity was riding on an actual Billy Cart. There were two types of Carts. One was an easy wheeler and the other Cart was a manual one. We had heaps of fun doing all the activities and learnt more about the designing process.

Sunjae K (4B)


Friday the 11 th of the 8 th level 4 had an incursion about engines with Mr Holden. Mr holden brought in some engines to experiment with. We learned a lot from him, he taught us about the different types of engines. Mr holden also brought in a few engine examples.

Thomas R (4B)

Level 6

This week the level sixes went to the grade 1 rooms to do some buddy reading with the level ones. We brought them some picture books to read to them. We also let the level ones have a go at reading to us. 

Some books were long, short, funny, serious, sad and happy. It was really fun because we got to see our buddy’s again and show them the importance of reading.

Ben W (6L) & Sashaan P (6K)