Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart









Assistant Principal:     Scott Zachariassen



6Hr Row (x4) - Level 6 Event

A reminder about the Level 6 students who are supporting a really important charity, Gotcha4Life  This organisation supports initiatives around youth mental health, a very important issue right now.

The Level 6 students are going to replicate the 24 Hr Row by doing 4x6hr Row on Friday 6 October.

Please support their initiative by donating to their cause, click on Jells Park PS Rowers - Gotcha4Life 24 Hour Row 2023 search for Jells Park PS Rowers, donate on the right side of the page. There is already $578 donated, however the boys target is $5000.

IMPORTANT - Arrival time at School

Can I re-iterate the importance on having your child(ren) on time for school in the morning. There is an alarming number of students arriving at school between 9.00-9.15am. I know that traffic and parking is an issue, but I would implore parents to do everything they can to ensure there child is at school on time.

The problems with late arrival is that your child is missing out. The first 25 minutes of every day is dedicated to Social & Emotional Learning time, which is unique to Jells Park PS and a very important learning time for students. 

It also means that they are disrupting the office staff duties, interrupting the start of the day for the teacher and the class and creating more work as we have to process the late arrival.

Parents, please embrace the challenge of the traffic and have your child(ren) on school on time.

Parent Opinion Survey

Reminder - This very important survey is out and all families have been invited to complete it. It is vitally important for us to hear from our 'clients' about what we do well and where we could improve. The Parent Opinion Survey (POS) is a critical assessment tool for the school and the Department.

We are currently at just 9% of responses - please see if you can find 20minutes to get this done. Please contact the office if you wish the link to be sent out again.

Canteen - Time changes

The canteen at school is run by Hungry Hampers, an outside company contracted by Jells Park PS. We have been working with them to overcome some issues that have been expressed to us by parents.


From next Monday the following will change:

  • Lunch orders can by placed online up until 9.20am, allowing a little more time in the morning to manage that 'emergency' order.
  • Any order after 9.20am can be rung through to the school office, but the only order options will be a cheese/vegemite/ham sandwich and a piece of fruit at a cost of $4 (the full canteen menu will NOT be available)
  • Students with no lunch will be provided the same sandwich and fruit options.
  • Parents will be advised of a 'late' order by return slip with the student and an email from the school on the day by 4.00pm.
  • Parents will be asked to pay on Qkr as soon as p[ossible.

Improvement Groups

In conversation with parents I continue to have questions about how we differentiate learning for different learning levels in a classroom.

Firstly, can I say that every teacher takes great care to assess students accurately and use all available data to determine where a student is 'at' in their learning. It is also important to remember that learning is not a straight line - there are ups and down, fast and slow, times of confusion and light bulb moments.

To help with all these we adopt our "Improvement Group" model which is further explained on our school website, just follow this link:

Differentiated Teaching & Learning Model — Jells Park Primary School (





Kevin Oakey



Book Week Parade

Next Tuesday 22nd August, we are celebrating Book Week at JPPS with a parade in the Gym. The theme is 'Read, Grow and Inspire' and we encourage all students and staff to dress up as a character from their favorite book. There is a prize for the best dressed student in each year level. The parade will begin at 9.10am and we invite all community members to attend.


Have a lovely weekend.


Kellie Stewart

Assistant Principal