Religious Education Coordinator

Fathers' Day Liturgy


Next Thursday morning at 8:45am, fathers, stepfathers, Godfathers, grandfathers, uncles and anyone who is like a father to our students are all invited to a liturgy in the church after breakfast and games. We will gather to show our appreciation for all the men in our lives who give us love, protection and guidance. 


We hope you can join us!


God our Father, you are all good.

You gift us with special people who help us know your goodness, your love and your care.

Thank you for the gift of fathers. Help them to strive to be like you and to reflect your father-like qualities as they love their children.

Bless them, be their strength and lead them safely as they care for their families. 

We make this prayer in Jesus' name.



Kind regards


Liana Stella - REC