Principal's Message

Dear Holy Family Parents and Carers, 


Lower North Shore Public Speaking Competition

During Term 3, all Holy Family students were given the opportunity to engage in a Public Speaking Competition. In addition, our Stage 3 students were also invited to compete in the CSBB Lower North Shore cluster semi-finals comprising of seven Catholic primary schools. 


Our two finalists, Olivia S. and Mya G. presented their individual 3-minute prepared speech and 1-minute impromptu speech to an audience comprising of Year 6, parents and guests at Corpus Christi, St Ives. I would like to commend Olivia and Mya who took up the challenge to speak publicly at the cluster school level. The girls can be very proud of their achievements. The skills of public speaking acquired will stand them in good stead in the years to come.


An event such as this would not be possible without the support of many people. The CSBB Public Speaking Competition Organising Committee, parents and teachers. The time and energy they devoted to the public speaking competition cannot be underestimated. Without the help of these wonderful people, the opportunity for so many students to be involved in public speaking would not have been possible. 



Lindfield Art Show and Fair

We are now on countdown for the big event!

The success of the LASF relies heavily on the support from everyone in the community to get involved. Sincere thanks to the many families, friends, parishioners and staff who have volunteered to ensure that we have a weekend filled with community spirit and loads of fun. With all the organisation and preparation starting to happen there is definitely excitement in the air. I am looking forward to seeing many parents at the Art Show set-up tonight.



Holy Family staff always welcome feedback and ideas from the parent community. If you have any feedback or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or myself through the school office (9416 7200), school email address or


As we are already well into the second half of the year, there are some parents both Sam Edwards and I still haven't had the opportunity to meet. Therefore, we would like to give all families a friendly "Check-In" phone call in the coming weeks. This might be a good opportunity to give us some feedback on "What's Working Well at Holy Family" and "Even Better If......"


Coles Development Update from Tim Cassar - Site Manager

I’m sure you all would have noticed some formwork and scaffold being installed for our Lower ground 1 slab on the Balfour Lane end of the project.


With some better weather this week we will continue with works including:

Continue with inground services to LG2.

  • Continue to prepare ground for concrete slabs.
  • Complete backfilling behind the Retaining walls.
  • Continue with formwork deck to Lower ground 1.
  • Continue with installation of scaffold at Balfour Lane end.
  • FRC to lift and stair core walls.

God Bless you and your families. 

Pauline Dinale
