2023 Fair

Thank you to all the wonderful generous RPS parents and carers who have volunteered so far for the various roles in the fair committee.  All the coordinator positions from the Compass post earlier this week have been filled. The Fair team are very excited and grateful for this.


The next fair meeting is on the 27th July at 7:30 via Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2102958382


We are extending this invitation to all families in the school to come along to offer your help in any way you can. Join a committee, offer to help with a task. No amount of assistance is too small. We appreciate and need all of you. 


At the end of last year we had well over 30 people come to the initial meeting expressing excitement and interest in having a fair in 2023. FORPS as a group were thrilled that this many families were interested in helping out. However, over time people have dropped away, and the numbers of helpers have dwindled. We are determined to make this work, and we still need your help as a school community.  


So please come along to the meeting, or reach out to Jackie (Jackie.arbuckle@yahoo.com.au) if you can help in any way. 


Thank you 


Our Fair Co-ordinators working away on planning the layout of our fair!!!


Fair Meeting Schedule

27th July @ 7.30pm- via Zoom

24th August  @ 7.30pm - via Zoom

5th October  @ 7.30pm - in person

26th October  @ 7.30pm - in person

16th November  @ 7.30pm - in person


Details for each meeting will become available as needed