School News

School Values Awards 

Each week we present School Value Awards for students who have upheld or demonstrated one of our Pilgrim values: Belong, Explore, Flourish, Serve. The students are presented with their award at our weekly Worships.


Term 3, Week 2

Belong: Zach 

Explore: Ava-Grace

Flourish: Bochen

Serve: Isaac 


Welcome to William, Chloe, Cayden and Conor who have all joined Pilgrim School this term. We look forward to getting to know each of you and pray you and your families quickly find connections and feel at home here.

'Belong and Blossom Playgroup' at Pilgrim School

We are excited to announce we will be trialling Playgroup at Pilgrim School this term. Lisa Newbury will be running a playgroup for all preschool ages (birth to 5 years). If you have children not yet at school, please register via the following link and feel free to let your friends know too!

We want to foster a sense of belonging for our young participants and their carers, with opportunities to grow, discover, explore and begin to flourish!

Friday mornings, 9.00am - 10.45am.

No cost, but please bring a hat if is good weather and a piece of fruit to share for each child attending.

Registrations are esential. Please contact Lisa or Kristen Heath if you have any questions about playgroup.

School Hats for Term 3

All students are required to wear a hat when outside each day in Term 3 and 4, in line with The Cancer Council of SA recommendations. Please ensure your child has returned their hat to school after the holiday break so they can wear it each day. To find out more visit


Please refer to the Campus Skin Protection Policy for further details.

Instrumental Lessons

We have a number of camps, excursions and academic competitions happening this term. Please note that it is the responsibility of parents and caregivers to contact music instrumental teachers when there is a clash between school events and your child’s instrumental lesson, or when your child is away for their instrumental lesson due to an appointment or sickness.


The following information is from the Instrumental Music Program booklet that was sent home at the start of the year:


  • If students are absent on the day of their lesson, the instrumental teacher must be notified by phoning them directly, preferably at least 24 hours prior to their lesson.  In the rare occurrence where this is not possible due to sudden illness, the teacher should be notified at the latest by 8.45am of the day concerned.
  • If students are going on an excursion/camp, or will not attend for any other pre-planned reason on the day of their lesson, where possible the instrumental teacher must be notified at least one week prior to the lesson.  If this prior notification is given the lesson may be rescheduled or a ‘catch up’ lesson organised.

If your child is enrolled in academic competitions, the dates and times are listed below. 

  • ICAS Digital Technologies: Tuesday 8th August 11:30am-12:50pm
  • ICAS English: Monday 14th August 9am-10:30am
  • ICAS Science: Monday 21st August 9am-10:30am
  • ICAS Mathematics: Monday 28th August 9am-10:300am
  • Bebras Challenge Round 2 (for those who participated in Round 1): Monday 4th September 9am-10:30am

Congratulations Aiden

Congratulations to Aiden from our Year 5 class who recently won an amazing opportunity to perform piano at the Royal Albert Hall in London at the Elena Cobb Star Prize Festival. Aiden performed along with seven others from Australia and another 22 from the US, UK and Ukraine.

As their website states, 

Elena Cobb Star Prize Festival at the Royal Albert Hall is a unique event with performance opportunities for young pianists from around the world. It was first introduced in 2014 when Elena Cobb began working with the UK and overseas music festivals. Today, many of them cherish the opportunity to perform at the annual Elena Cobb Star Prize at the Royal Albert Hall Elgar Room on the red piano that used to belong to Sir Elton John himself!

Aiden has started a youtube channel and you can see his performance video here:


Benji - FIFA Womens World Cup

This week a member from our school, Benji participated in the Youth Programme for the FIFA Womens World Cup 2023, being hosted by Australia and New Zealand across various stadiums.


Benji and his team were selected to be Mini Mates for the China v England match held at Hindmarsh Stadium. It was a very long and exciting day starting 5 hours early for rehearsals and preparations for the pre-match ceremony with kick off at 8.45pm.

Their team were chosen to walk out with China, and Benji said that stepping out onto the pitch, hearing the crowd of nearly 13,500 people, hand in hand with the greatest soccer players of their countries and being part of such a big moment on the world stage was so inspiring and amazing. Some of his highlights were:

getting a new kit and orange boots, and some other cool stuff, being on TV and getting to watch my first live world cup match and just everything!!!

This was certainly a day to remember.

Well done Libby!

During the recent school holidays Libby Spencer, one of our Year 3/4 teachers presented at the state EdTech Conference. Libby shared about the work she has been doing over the last couple of years with teaching her students about Artificial Intelligence and how to program AI. Libby received some wonderful feedback and her session was completely full of other educators interested in the work she has been doing with students at Pilgrim School. Congratulations Libby!

Pilgrim School Survey

At the beginning of this term all families received a link to our Pilgrim School Survey. Thanks to all our families who have taken time to complete the survey. This survey is an opportunity for you to let us know what you love about Pilgrim School, what you would like us to do more of, and what you would prefer we did less of. It also asks some questions about possibilities of a playgroup or Early Learning Centre linked to Pilgrim School. If you have not yet completed a survey, please consider doing so. Our original cut off date was today, but you can submit a response up until 9.00am Monday 7th August. 

Enrolments for 2024

If you know someone who is looking to enrol their child in Foundation for 2024 (either Term 1 or midyear), please encourage them to contact Kristen Heath on 8270 3033 or by email, We currently have 34 students enrolled to start Foundation next year and we are considering starting a waiting list for further enrolments. It would be important for families to complete an application for enrolment as soon as possible to secure a placement for 2024.


Volunteering at Pilgrim School 

Please don't forget that our new compulsory requirements for volunteering have now taken effect. Please click on this letter previously sent home if you have not yet completed the necessary process. 


We love having volunteers in a range of roles at both Pilgrim School and on Campus. If you have some available time, you may want to help in classrooms (eg listening to reading), become involved with our Learning Assistance Program (working regularly with a student or small group of students), sports coaching or managing, fundraising, helping in the Canteen or Library, or attending camps or excursions.


If you are currently, or are considering, volunteering at Pilgrim School, please read our updated Volunteers Guidelines and Code of Conduct.


Our highest priority is to ensure we maintain a safe environment at Pilgrim School for all children and members of our school community. All volunteers will need to register through our new online Volunteer Registration and Agreement form: 


As you will see, volunteers need to provide details of a current ‘Working with Children Check’ certificate, 'Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care' (RRHAN-EC) certificate and it is highly recommended they also complete online Protective Practices training. Details of accessing these trainings are included in the Volunteer Registration and Agreement Form and on our website.


Please continue to sign in and out through the Front Office each time you volunteer at Pilgrim School.

Give Away

We have 2 props from our Musical to give away. They are made from plywood and are approximately 2m x 1.2m, please see photos below. If you would like to give them a home, please contact the Front Office.