Home Stories 

Tahlia & Annabelle - 

A daily feature in our house has been practicing gymnastics. Tahlia has been “coaching” Annabelle! We have also enjoyed learning over lunch and helping each other get ready in the morning. 

Ruby and Charlotte - 

Fish and chips in the park, bike rides, movies and sleep outs with our sisters, walks, visits to our house renovation and devonshire tea are just some of the fun things that we have been up to during this latest lockdown.  Even though we have loved being at home with our family, we can't wait to get back to school.

Matej -

Lockdown 4.0 has inspired me to start a new hobby. My interest in painting began when I was a kid and watched my grandma painting. I am still practicing and experimenting with colours and techniques. I am very glad that my son Matej shows great interest and is very good at painting. Here are some of our best works. Enjoy!

Mahmoud and May  -

We have been making slime during the lockdown.