Things to know 


We are thrilled that  ALL students are returning to school this Friday 11th June. A further update regarding restrictions in schools and operational matters will be released soon and we will advise accordingly. We have two wonderful weeks to reset and focus on making the end of the term a positive experience for our students. Thank you once again to our entire community for your collective efforts, support of our students and understanding. I know we will continue to be vigilant and ensure we all remain healthy and safe returning to school and throughout the next few weeks. 


If you missed the COMPASS notification our Curriculum Day has been postponed to next term. This Friday will be a normal school day whether online or (fingers-crossed) for the return of our students onsite on Friday. The new date has been set for Friday 30th July. The staff are looking forward to their professional learning day with Charles Lovitt.  Here is a wonderful insight into what we are looking forward to learning about finding unique ways to engage our students in mathematical thinking, problem solving, reasoning and understanding. Maths professional learning with Charles Lovitt - YouTube 


Thank you to all members of our community who participated in the virtual session with Heidi Rogers last Thursday. We heard that many of you took away great strategies to trial and adopt in your own homes to help build resilient families. Heidi has offered another free webinar for interested parties. 


Your Roadmap for Surviving Snap Lockdowns

Get the answers to your big questions around snap lockdowns, including practical advice and strategies to empower you and your family at a time where many of us are feeling exhausted.

Here's what you'll learn...

  • What your family needs most right now.
  • What to prioritize during lockdown (and what to avoid) for the wellbeing of your family.
  • How to support your own mental health during this time.
  • The do's and don'ts of effective homeschooling (it's not what you think!).
  • The role and impact of complaining, and how to manage it.
  • Why play is so important at times like these, and ideas for incorporating more of it into your day.
  • Tried and tested scripts you can use to reassure your kids AND yourself.
  • Why you're feeling more exhausted or fatigued right now.
  • How to handle those moments where it 'all feels too much'.

Content Relevant For People of All Ages (kids + adults!)


Date: Thursday 10 June

Time: 8:00pm (+ Q&A after the presentation) 

Location: Online webinar 

Free Registration:

Replay recording will be sent afterwards


A message from Crimes Prevention Officer Lisa Dobbie:

There’s a new project lead by Monash University called ‘YourGround’.   Councils across Victoria have signed up to the program which essentially is an online interactive map where any woman, girl or gender diverse person can add a pin and a comment to an area they feel is safe and why, or unsafe and why. 


This is an effort to gather often unheard experiences and perceptions of safety in public spaces so local police and councils can act on them.  The results will show us what is working well and should be replicated, and what isn’t and should be fixed.  


The process couldn’t be easier.  Open the website, add a pin, add brief notes about why that area feels safe or unsafe, and you can also see input from people before you and add your own comments to those.  There is no login and you don’t need to give your name. Police and Council are keeping an eye on the map as the project runs in an effort to quickly identify areas of concern they previously hadn’t been aware of.  The project will run until August.


This is your opportunity to have a say in the safety of your community.  The more input we have, the more chance we have of identifying areas that aren’t safe and working to make those better.  Get on board!