Mark Butters


Welcome back to face to face learning this week. It's great to have students back at school. Students enjoyed cooking in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden this week. We missed our opportunity in the garden the week before so it was pleasing to get the chance to cook! 

Please remind your students of the correct uniform through winter. We are trying to set an example for younger students and the 5/6 class must wear St Joseph's jumpers and correct sock colours. If senior students have lost or misplaced a jumper I encourage them to utilise the many jumpers available in lost property for a gold coin donation.


Students are preparing persuasive letters and speeches related to renewable energy this week. With the interruptions of camp and the lockdown, we may run persuasive writing all the way through term two. The reading focus is making inferences. Literacy Circles have continued with groups of students reading various novels. Ask your student about the novel they are reading and encourage discussion about the characters and themes.


We are looking at patterns and algebra over the next fortnight. Students have started by identifying the "rule" when they notice a pattern in a number sequence. For example, 2, 4, 8, 16 with the rule being x2.

Religious Education (RE)

We have started looking at Prayer today. We will focus on what Prayer is and where we find Prayer in Scripture. 


Making Democracy continues this week. The lockdown, and a few other interruptions, have impacted our unit on democracy, however, students will still have the opportunity to focus on a project piece to finish the term. They will work in small groups to put together a timeline of critical moments in the history of Australian democracy and identify three moments that impacted equality for Indigenous Australians, women or workers. They will also answer a question on the importance of equality.