Onyx Community

Community Rises for Success - 5/6 Onyx


By Felicia Lee, Year 6, Onyx Community


Over the last few weeks many students in Onyx have shown excellence, as well as an improvement in their learning. The highlight of Onyx Community came during Education Support (ES) week when everyone in Onyx planned a surprise for Maddy Johnson - all holding Maddy masks! This astonishing surprise sent Maddy into joy and laughter as she took a few pictures with the whole community!

 Numeracy education roamed around the fields of the vertical algorithm with different mathematical operations. “You have all improved so much from the first lesson,” praised the teachers to the students of whom all smiled back. We have all learnt so much in a few days which pleased all of the teachers in Onyx. In Literacy, the students have been focusing on print conventions. The whole class worked together to add ideas to a poster with examples of print conventions from nonfiction and fiction texts. Another trait that all the pupils have been working on very well is not speaking to each other during independent reading and to increase our own reading stamina. The Onyx teachers have been commending the wonderful improvements and achievements during Independent Reading. Meanwhile in Writing, Onyx students have also been learning about Tier 1, 2 and 3 words and how to use the different tiers of words in our explanation texts.

 On the 26th of May, some students who had competed in the Districts Cross Country were selected to participate in the Wyndham Divisions Cross Country. These 11 students strived to do their best. We had a number of students from Onyx Community attend this event, including Nylaw, Jeremy, Dallas, Ibrahim, Chloe, Taryn and Felicia. Congratulations to Ibrahim for qualifying for the next round. He will now have the opportunity to participate at Regional Cross Country. Other upcoming events include the Interschool Sports Gala Day at the end of term and the House Athletics in July in which students are preparing for.

 Sometimes the teachers would discuss and talk to us about behaviour and how hard they might have to work towards their goals. An outstanding quote from the teacher, Nicole Spitalieri was, “I hate the quote ‘practice makes perfect’, perfect is simply not attainable. It should be ‘practice helps you get better.” Onyx Community certainly have had a successful start to the year!