SPA news

Shelford Parent's Association

The end of Term 2 is in sight and the colder nights are closing in, and Shelford Parents' Association (SPA) has welcomed the return to face-to-face meetings this semester. SPA’s role is to assist in building the Shelford community and to support the School through various fundraising activities. The new 2021 Committee has settled in and is launching some great new initiatives.


There is a particular emphasis this year, upon friend-raising to help enrich the school community after the rigours of 2020. Any and all ideas for activities which support our wonderful school community are openly sought. 


Parents can also help by volunteering for any forthcoming events (like joining an organising team for our forthcoming Quaerite Dinner). If you can spare some time to assist at an event or activity please contact SPA or Jessica Coffey


The Committee also invites parents to attend SPA meetings. Come and bring your ideas. Please check the SPA webpage for meeting dates.


Andrew Mott

SPA Vice-President